Nov 05, 2004 20:09 we hadda pep rally in school!..hah tht was fun i guess..we got to dress down. uhh aniskas lik a physo nd shes seriosly gona lik get shot wen shes older for causing fights n such..haha. uhhh nd the moose girl was lik waving her mooose around..hah omgg...i love her moose! but we had shortened tht means tht i had lunch at 930...which reallyy sucked...cuz im jus lik waking up then. nd me n alic n kace stayed for the football game after school..nd annie ran for the bus at the last minutee!jeezzz haha...nd so we talked to elana nd her friend for a whilee..nd then we went outside to watch the game..nd the freshman r truly amazing..we lost 6-52 ! nd i lik almost froze to deathh evn tho i was wearing alics sweatshirtt. nd we wer lik running around..nd keleher called nd stuff..nd then i got home at lik 5..nd we went out to dinner at brotherss..but i felt lik i was gona lik diee...cuz im lik sick? i guess? ...uhhh so then we got locked outta our housee..cuz my brother left the key inside nd my parents lik dont carry the house key with them ?..haha then i layed down nd suchh..yeaah...nd lotsa funny things happened in class todayy. wo0!