(no subject)

Dec 18, 2004 21:03

im sick, and this is how bored i am:

1. Hi: hello?
2. How r u today?: umm, good, you?
3. Whats Ur first name?: alex
4. Whats your middle name? jordan
5. Where do u live?: in a house
6. Do U hav any siblings?: yes, zach
7. If so how many?: 1
8. Do they annoy u?: omg, yes!
9. Do u wish u were an only child?: umm, sometimes
10. Whats ur nationality?: russian and hungarian

What do u think of when u see these colors?

11. Red: abercrombie
12. pink: niiiceeee
13. green: depends on what shade
14. blue: cool
15. yellow: <3 it
16. brown: pearls
17. black: matches with everything
18. orange: umm, not bright orange = /
19. purple: reminds me of flowers

What do u think of when u see these names?

20. Bob: so common
21. Billy: umm, i havent actually thought of this
22. Suzie: my aunt
23. Ariel: amabile
24. James: denicola - coolest kid ever! and the best looking ; ) lol
25. Teddy: come visit from S.C!!!!
26. John: STAMOS!
27. Harold: and the purple crayon
28. Cameron: REAL WORLD!!
29. Tina: hmm?
30. Trixie: tinkerbell?
31. Whats ur favorite kind of dog?: small ones
32. Do u hav a dog?: yes
33. Do u have any animals?: a dog?
34. If so wat do u have?: ^^^
35. Do spiders creep u out?: umm, just ask hannah!
36. r u afraid of the dark?: nope...i <3 the dark
37. If not then what r u afraid of?: hmm, needles and shots!
38. Do u Like to go on Roller coasters?: YES!
39. Do u like to horseback ride?: umm, only done it once but would definately do it again
40. Do u have any talents?: umm, i actually dont know
41. If so what r they?: ?
42. R u having fun?: no, but im bored


43. Which one of ur friends make u smile?: all of them, thats why they are my friends
44. Make u laugh?: all of them <3
45. freak u out?: hmm, sarah! lol ; )
46. make u laugh until you cant breathe?: haha, all of them!
47. made u cry?: hmmm, some of them
48. smile too much?: ALL!
49. eat too much?: none of them really
50. Barely eats: hannah! jk
51. which of ur friends do u eat lunch with?: katie, jenny, patty, chrissy, alyssa, sheena, karissa...
52. which friend is the biggest drama queen?: none
53. the most good looking?: hhmmmm?
54. they best lier?: not gunna answer that one
55. the worst lier?: jenny
56. the most trustworthy?: i actually dont know, probably olivia
57. The tallest?: katie jordan! (thats a good thing, i wish i was tall!)
57. the shortest?: hmm, alyssa/sheena?
58. the strangest?: your all weird in your own special way <3
59. the one with the most time on their hands?: it depends on what day of the week, our schedules are so busy ; )
60. never gets sick?: sarah
61. Always gets sick?: hmmm?

Do u like to wear...

62. sweatpants?: yes, so comfortable
63. jeans?: always
64. so lo's?: no way
65. skirts?: yes!
66. so nikki's?: noo not really, i have a pair of tye-dye terry-clothe pants though
67. tyedye?: hmm, once in a while
68. solid shirt?: of course, it matches with everything
69. Seseme street tees?: hmm, maybe i should buy one of those
70. black tees?: yes, they are so versitile and they match with everything <3
71. happy bunny tees?: huh?
72. aeropostale?: nope
73. abercrombie?: yes! yes!
74. hot topic?: no?
75. sweat shirts: yes!
76. pjs?: yes, but only in the house
77. converse?: yes, i have a pair of pink low-tops
78. sketchers?: no way
79. heels?: ofcourse
80. boots?: umm, sometimes
81. slippers?: never
82. eyeliner?: yes
83. blush?: nope
84. mascara?: clear
85. eyeshadow?: yessss

Do u want to...

86. go to school?: yes
87. go to sleep?: i need more sleep!
88. go to kohls?: nope
89. have a bf?: that would be nice
90. have a gf?: never
91. meet Johnny Depp?: no, hes weird
92. wear blue nail polish?: never
93. wear black nail polish?: neeevvvveeerrr
94. die your hair?: nope, i like my dark blonde hair
95. be in a movie?: that would be cool
96. be famous?: that would be amazing, get cool clothes and stuff <3

What comes to your mind when u see these?

97. Jingle: bells?
98. sharpie: permanant marker?
99. fishing: poles?
100. lady: umm, woman?
101. orlando: ewwww!
102. water: h2o
103. egg: chicken
104. computer: AIM
105. away: brb
106. buddy: friend?
107. salad: yumm
108. toilet: paper?
109. clean: your room!
110. cinder: hmmm?
111. name: como se llama?
112. school: fun
113. bat: batman!!
114. butter: margarine
115. jar: can opener
116. food: depends on what kind
117. me: myself and i
118. survey: why do i keep taking these?

119. Do u believe in ghosts?: no
120. do u believe in god?: yes
121. do u secretly desire a pony?: when i was like 3
122. did eat yet today?: nope, im sick
123. whats ur favorite thing to do in the summer?: travel
124. whats ur favorite thing to doin the winter?: drink hot chocolate
125. whats ur favorite thing to do in the fall?: walk home from school with cool kidzz
126. whats ur favorite thing to do in the spring?: umm, a lot of things <3
127. Do u think u could be the next American Idol?: never
128. Whats ur favorite smell in the world?: perfume
129. who is ur favorite teacher?: umm, i actually cant decide
130. Did u ever realise tha teachers are really people too?: yes, and then can help with anything you need them to
131. have u ever taken time to get to know ur teacher?: yes
132. Have u ever had a crush on one of ur teachers?: never
133. Have u ever thought that one of the teachers in ur school was hot? no
134. Do u think that humans are stupid?: hmm, basically we are using up all the oil in the next 25 years
135. Which animal do u think is smart?: chimpanzee
136. which animal do u think will one day eat the humans?: umm, i actually dont know

Which do u like better?

137. tv/computer: depends on what type of mood im in
138. watch/clock: watch,i never take mine off
139. chocolate/vanilla: vanilla, eww chocolate
140. cake/cookies: cookies
141. coke/pepsi: diet coke
142. cable/satalite: i have no idea what the difference is, whatever i have in my house
143. day/night: hmmm...depends on what day it is
144. hot/cold: depends on what it is, i like my soup hot and my icecream cold
145. tictac/ altoid: wow, tough decision
146. on/off: on
147. up/down: up down, up down, up down
148: cats/dogs: dogs, ewww cats
149. spanish/italian: spanish
150. me/you: me and you

Do u like/have

151. Your parents?: sometimes
152. Starbucks?: ofcourse
153. cheese?: some
154. rollerskates?: umm, no
154. socks?: plain white ones, that you cant see above your sneakers
155. cows?: umm, no?
156. comics?: archie and jughead
157. your siblings?: when he is nice to me
158. Your bf?: i don't have one
159. your gf?: uh...i'm a girl
160. this survey?: no, not really

161. whats your favorite cartoon?: umm, none
162. what makes you want to tear your hair out?: good people in constant bad moods and having a chance and then losing it
163. Who do u hate?: hmm?
164. Do u have any enimies?: ofcouse, doesnt everyone?
165. If so who?: ......
166. Do u have any friends?: ofcourse, plent
167. If so who?: i would list all of them but it would take too much time
168. Whats your favorite subject?: math and science
169. whats your least favorite subject?: social studies and english
170. Do u like video games?: umm, i sometimes play my brothers Xbox
171. What games do u play?: umm, some tennis games and some baseball games and on occasion some basketball games
172. Did u ever try to write a book?: never
173. What were you going to call it?: nothing
174. Did u try to write a song?: nope
175. What were you going to call it?: nothing
176. What is your favorite topping for nachos?: umm, dont nachos have cheese on them?
177. What is your favorite icecream topping?: rainbow sprinkles
178. where do u think is the best place to get icecream?: COLD STONE!!!!!!!!!!!
179. where do u think is the best place to get pizza?: dont like pizza that much
180. What is youre favorite kind of pizza?: ummm?
181. whats ur favorite food?: hmm, thats a good question
182. whats ur favorite board game?: scrabble, true colors, loaded questions, or monopoly
183. what was ur first sn ever?: eggie525
184. Do u still use that sn?: no[e
185. How long have u had aim?: 4 years?
186. Have u ever tried to make a survey?: no
187. Do u realise how hard it is to come up with 200 questions?: no
188. Have u ever played catch phrase?: yes...awsome game
189. Have u ever beaten a video game?: umm, i dont think so
190. Have u ever had an interesting tech teacher?: define interesting
191. Did u have fun with this survey?: no
192. Would u take it again in a year to see how much u've changed?: i dont think so
193. Did u steal this from someone?: sam made me take it i swear
194. If i told u that i spent 5 hrs on this would u think im crazy?: ofcourse, who has 5 hours of spare time?
195. Do u think i really spent 5 whole hrs. on this?: no way
196. Are u tired of answering questions yet?: yes, but why im continuing to answer i dont know
197. Did u know that we're almost at the end?: yes, thank god
198. What does adios mean?: good-bye
199. bye: hasta la vista baby
200. THE END: thank god
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