Closed: Interrogations with Draco Malfoy

Nov 25, 2013 16:35

He'd been up half the night, strung out in his office, pushing through paperwork and working on any new leads he could find. The news of Dennis Creevey had hit Harry hard. He remembered just how bloody annoying he was while they were in school but he'd always been fond of him. Both the Creevey brothers. Now, he had to ring Colin up and explain to ( Read more... )

draco malfoy

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_draco_m_ November 26 2013, 01:21:40 UTC
He lifted a sleek arm to place that wine goblet against the smooth marble surface, the red liquid sloshing about dryly as it landed.

It was late.

Candles lit the organic shape of his private baths as burning frankincense wafted through the dim candlelight, creating a subtle musk.
Draco had been taking some time to unwind, gently kicking his feet below the hot, bubbling water.
With his dry hand, he flicked his wand to turn the page of the floating book, reading from the olive tome he had been discussing with Mandy.


so_harry November 26 2013, 01:40:01 UTC
With what sounded like a small gun shooting, about a dozen Aurors Apparated on the ground outside of Malfoy Manor. He had been warned about the gate being hexed - had a full on laugh when he heard about all the reporters sent running - but he was not about to let that happen to him. Not when he had three dead bodies and one friend sitting in St. Mungo's after nearly suffering from organ failure.

The sketch matched. He'd be damned if this was another dead end.

Without caring about niceties, Harry motioned to the team and the curse breakers to work on the gate. The whizzing of the wands working their magic crackled against the iron gate and caused a few banging sounds as the curse breakers went ahead to allow Harry inside.


_draco_m_ November 26 2013, 01:46:00 UTC
As the crack of the gate being unlocked wafted through the slightly ajar window, Draco's ears were underwater; thus hearing nothing of it as he broke the surface, coming back up to enjoy the silence of the still night.


so_harry November 26 2013, 02:03:03 UTC
He watched with a look of satisfaction as the gate slowly rolled open. He held a hand up to the curse breakers behind him and the stunning stopped. He turned back and nodded his head, "Go on, keep the perimeter surrounded. I'll shoot up sparks if I need back-up."

But he knew he wouldn't. Even after all their years against each other, Malfoy had hardly ever gotten the advantage of Harry. (He didn't want to remember the times he did, so he wasn't going to.)

Holding his wand up to the left side of his face, he morphed his sound into a megaphone as he pounded on the door.

"Malfoy- open up- we know you're in there-"


_draco_m_ November 26 2013, 02:15:35 UTC
How funny: you see, Draco remembered all the times he had gotten the best of Harry.
All of them.
In detail, as fine as the marble of this bath.

But he wasn't thinking of that just now as an Elf appeared with her head bowed low.

"So sorry Mister Malfoy. You have guests."

"Guests? At this hour?"

She kept her head bowed and said nothing.

Draco cocked his head, thinking for a moment who might want him so late at night. He grinned to himself then, and with great confidence, stood from the bath and ordered her to bring him his towel.

Slinging it low on his hips, he stuffed his wand into the top of the material before quickly apparating to the foyer entrance, slicking his hair back with one hand.

He licked two fingers and smoothed out his eyebrows.

He wrapped one palm around the luxurious doorknob, and turned it.

"Well good evening, Lu-"

He balked.


so_harry November 26 2013, 02:24:22 UTC
Well, this was certainly not how Harry expected this to go. But he knew by now, that he was going to have to go with the flow. It felt like a certain bit of justice to find Malfoy with his pants down- or, well, non-existent.

A roguish grin tugged at his lips as Harry crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well, Merlin's beard, Malfoy," his voice was a deadpan. "Expecting someone else?"

He pushed past the half-naked man, letting his eyes wander over the foyer. There was money spilling out of every pore and enough to leave Harry with raised eyebrows. They certainly didn't bother hiding their fortune - even if he was half-sure it was mostly from stolen or black-market goods.

"Don't fret too much, mate, I've at least got handcuffs-"


_draco_m_ November 26 2013, 02:33:49 UTC
You could not tell from his stagnant poker face, but he was incredibly nervous.

He used his occlumency training from Bellatrix to shield his thoughts of the dark magic that Mandy and himself had recently performed. A chill ghosted over him, and he crossed his arms over his chest to hide his pink hardening nipples.

"I didn't invite you in, I don't consent to a search, and you do not have my permission to be inside of my residence, as tempting as you've made the handcuffs appear."

Using some of his knowledge of law, and how to skirt it, he quickly addressed the first statement they would have asked in a court.


so_harry November 26 2013, 02:45:18 UTC
"Spend a lot of time with your lawyer lately?" Harry rose an eyebrow.

He turned to face Malfoy, eyeing the man with a rueful smile. This was actually fun. He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a bright blue slip of parchment. The warrant to search the home was there with Kingsley Shacklebolt's signature at the bottom with a certain flourish on the end. He held it up with his free hand, his other holding his wand directly at Malfoy's heart.

"You can say whatever you'd like, Malfoy," he said, "But I've got every right to be here and if you argue against that, there's a nice batch of gentlemen out there that would gladly convince you otherwise.

"Now, are you going to put on some clothing or am I going to be subjected to this monstrosity all night?"


_draco_m_ November 26 2013, 03:08:19 UTC
"There is no reason to draw your wand, Potter, I have made no attempt to resist you, i've only stated my rights." He listened to it coming out smoothly, non aggressively, holding back his nerves although he was shaking a bit, the cool wind coming in through the door.

He shut it, still holding onto the doorknob behind him and leaning on the grande white door with his naked back.

"Your documentation is fine enough," he said with a small grin; and what of it? He needn't grab dramatically at the paper like a fool. He did know better than that.

"Well, Auror Potter," he started slowly, taking one step closer in spite of the wand that threatened, his hands clasping eachother in substitute of the knob as he found his footing.

"What exactly are you looking for tonight?" One foot crossed in front of the other, holding his ground there, not advancing again.


so_harry November 26 2013, 03:12:25 UTC

He lowered his wand, casually pushing it up the sleeve of his coat before folding the warrant carefully and putting it back where he kept it. Then he withdrew another piece of parchment, this time showing a striking drawing to the man standing right across from him. He let his arms drop to his sides as he cocked his head at Malfoy.

"You are aware of the string of murders happening throughout the United Kingdom, right?" he asked. "Because you see, we've got this lovely bartender - a muggle bloke - who can put someone who looks an awful lot like you at the scene of the crime."

He tucked the sketch back into his coat pocket.

"Would you mind recalling your day today?"


_draco_m_ November 26 2013, 03:19:57 UTC
Draco was genuinely stunned by this.

It was not what he expected at all, and he did resist the urge to laugh.

"As much as I hate to admit it, Potter, you've caught me," he began ruefully, glancing shortly upon the ground,

"A tragedy I know, but I do, in fact, follow the Daily Prophet." He spoke with his usual biting sarcasm again,

"And I am afraid I am not obligated to answer any of your questions, search warrant or not. Again, Auror Potter," it came off of his lips like a seething acid,

"May I give you a tour of the grounds?"


so_harry November 26 2013, 03:24:41 UTC
Harry cocked an eyebrow.

"Of course not," he said, tilting his head slightly, letting his neck crack as he stepped closer toward Malfoy. "You don't have to say a word, Malfoy. Your refusal to give me an alibi, your front gate and this rather fantastic sketch in my pocket is enough to bring you down to the Ministry for a more thorough line of questioning-"

He paused, offering him a slight shrug.

"With the proper representation, of course."

Then, a beat passed.

"Like I said before, to your friend Miss Jacobs, we are exhausting every lead on this case. But by all means, Malfoy, a tour would be fantastic."


_draco_m_ November 26 2013, 03:30:46 UTC
"I have no intention of denying you that. However, none of those reasons you have listed are a crime," he said smoothly.

Another beat passed.

"And I don't see how Cecilia is involved in any of this. Follow me," he added, taking a deliberate step to the side of Harry, leading behind the great staircase and back towards the kitchens, hands still cupped behind him.


so_harry November 26 2013, 03:35:59 UTC
"Circumstantial evidence is a hell of a thing," Harry replied smoothly. "And a twenty-four hour hold could do you wonders, I think. Though, I would put on some trousers, at least. The interrogation rooms can get awfully chilly-"

He made no effort to hide the side-eye he had given the man's appearance. Skinnier than he'd thought. He tucked his hands into the pockets of his trousers as he followed Malfoy toward the back of the Manor.

"Ah, yes, well Miss Jacobs and I had a little chat yesterday," he continued. "Your name did manage to find it's way into the conversation-"

Of course, there was no need to explain that it was Harry to bring him up.


_draco_m_ November 26 2013, 03:44:43 UTC
Certainly Cessy hadn't said anything about him.
He wouldn't even address it again.

There honestly was nothing to say!

"You cannot directly link me to any crime. If a single confused muggle is the only true lead you have on this case, then for that the wizarding community should weep," he said with a healthy serving of seriousness that echoed the voices of their world.

They entered the kitchens, where two house elves were still awake and toiling over some pastry dough for tomorrow.

They stopped what they were doing as if frozen.

This had been Dobby's original home.
He glanced to catch Harry's eye.

Draco stood to the side as if to offer the room to his companion.


so_harry November 26 2013, 03:59:18 UTC
"You'll have to forgive me, Malfoy, for thinking of you when I know there's a murderer afoot."

He said it simply, his voice easy and light. He strolled through to the kitchen, his eyes on the house elves working away. He did remember that this was Dobby's first home. Odd to think one of his strangely strongest allies would come from the Malfoy Manor. He turned to look back at the apparent head of the house, holding his hands out, palms up.

"I'll go right now if you can tell me where you were this morning-" he offered. "That's all I ask for. I'm going easy on you, mate. Because like I said, I can take you in. Quite easily, I might add. The law is on my side here, not yours. Especially given your history - one you've seemed to somehow avoid punishment for, I might add-"


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