Title: Conduit 1/1 (Lita/Edge) R

Oct 02, 2010 21:40

Title: Conduit
Pairing: Lita/Edge
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Genre: Angst, supernatural
Summary: Lita thought she was right about him, but she wasn't.
Warnings: Character death

Tokio Hotel’s Forgotten Children

Lita cried out as pain tore through her, writhing on the ground she could feel the pavement biting into her palms as currents of electricity ran through her. Her muscles seized and her teeth locked together, chattering as though she was cold.

Her eyes rolled back and she took in a choked breath, rolling onto her back the whites of her eyes appeared as one more jolt took her.

He stood over her, a smirk on his face as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“I win.”

He turned and left her alone, lying in the middle of the street, a forgotten child. An almost fae with her nerve endings singed, her core burnt out.

She took in one more hitching gasp, plunging into her own memories as she did so, lost.


“A water sprite?” His blonde hair hung in his face and he laughed softly. “That’s absolutely amazing you know, just wonderful.”

Lita, feeling more timid and shy than she should have been nodded her head. “It’s fun sometimes, but...”

“When you were learning it was a bitch?” Adam asked, smiling down at her he reached up and stroked her cheek. “I know, I remember what that was like, don’t you worry.”

Lita nodded again, letting out a soft laugh of her own. “So what are you? What’s your power?” she leaned into him, feeling attracted to him, yet put off for some reason she couldn’t explain. She pushed that thought away and looked up into his blue eyes.

“Fire,” she didn’t see the lie and a small sense of triumph soared through him.

He would get her, just like her parents had gotten his.


“I don’t know what you’re talking about mom, there’s nothing wrong with Adam,” Lita said to her mother, shifting from foot to foot as she talked to her on the phone.

“I don’t trust him, there’s something about him,” her mother was saying, and she was clearly winding up for a pretty long lecture.

Lita laughed, pouring herself a cup of coffee she poured lots of sugar into it before taking a drink. “What is it about him?” she asked as Adam walked into the kitchen, hair tousled with sleep yet his blue eyes were sharp and aware.
“I don’t know,” her mother replied, sighing. “He seems familiar to me, and not at all in a good way.”

Adam poured himself some coffee and passed her a note. ‘Get off the phone and come back to bed.’

Lita smiled and leaned into him, barely stopping herself from letting out a hum when he kissed her neck softly.

“Mom I’ve gotta get ready for work, I’ll talk to you later okay?” she asked, leaning closer into him.


“Why don’t you ever show me what you can do?” Lita asked him, lying across his chest in bed she traced the skin on his chest with a fingertip, leaving invisible designs there.

“Because,” Adam responded, his voice sounding a little more harsh than normal.

“Because?” Lita questioned, rolling with him when he guided her onto her back, towering over her and a shiver traveled down her spine.

“You don’t know how dangerous it is,” Adam kissed her firmly on the lips.

Lita’s hand fisted in his hair and her hips undulated against his as he slid deep inside of her once again, her eyes falling shut and the conversation falling away.

It felt so good to be with someone who understood.


“I don’t understand,” Lita hugged herself, trembling as she tried to stay upright, gripping the fence post in the abandoned street.

“Your parents, they killed my parents,” Adam growled, his eyes narrowing into slits. “So now I’m going to kill you.”

Lita shook her head, taking a step back, “No you won’t,” she tried to summon her power, the rush of waters sounding in her ears.

Adam laughed. “That would only work if I could control fire,” there was water now, sloshing around their legs, rising up to their knees, ebbing and flowing.

“What?” Lita asked, confused. He could control fire though.

“My parents could, and your parents...well they doused their flame, but me, I’m in control of something that could kill you, you see,” Adam took a step forward and raised his hand, electricity seeming to crackle and then it formed into a perfect ball, jumping and jolting.

It was excited for her, Lita realized, taking a step back she tripped and fell. It wanted her flesh, wanted to burn her up inside.

The first jolt hit her and she convulsed, cracking her head off the fence post as she fell back, dazed.


Her eyes slid shut, and her heart stopped beating.

She was dead.

genre: angst, complete: yes, main character: lita, het: one shot, pairing: lita/adam, character: adam copeland, character: lita, genre: au, author: awritinglilypea

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