Title: A Life Less Ordinary
Characters/Pairing: Lita/Randy (beginning), Lita/?, Chris Daniels, Linda
Genre: AU
Rating: PG-13
Complete: No.
Summary: Amy goes looking for a new job, and is more than surprised and touched at what she finds.
Notes: I am feeling good about this fic, hopefully you all will continue to enjoy it too.
Warnings: Contains teenage pregnancy.
Previous Chapters Amy had never been more nervous than this in her entire life, she realized as she walked down the quaint pathway toward Loriel Inn. It was more nerve-wracking even, than when she had gotten pregnant at sixteen and had to think of how to tell her parents.
This was a job, from what she had heard, could secure her a steady income, moreso than the makeshift tailor business she was running out of her small rented room.
“You okay mommy?” Lia asked, her small hand clasped in her mothers and her dark blue eyes (so like her father’s) solemn.
Managing a small smile Amy nodded her head, “Yeah baby, I just really want this job.” She felt awful that she was bringing her daughter with her but it was a half day at school and she couldn’t afford a babysitter.
“You’ll get it, you’re good at making things sparkle,” Lia told her sweetly, smiling as she did so.
Amy couldn’t help but laugh softly, “Thank you Lia, I feel much better now,” and she did, knowing the unerring confidence her daughter had in her.
Lia’s smile widened as she released her mother’s hand and began tiptoeing along the small flag stones until she reached the porch at which point she stopped and waited patiently.
“What did I do to deserve such a good kid?” Amy asked in a teasing voice, taking her hand again and stepping in to the Inn.
“I don’t know mommy,” Lia murmured, looking around the lobby with wide eyes. “It’s pretty,” she said in a confident tone, with all the knowledge a five (almost six) year old could possess.
“Yeah it is baby,” Amy nodded, squeezing her daughter’s hand lightly as she too took a look around.
The lobby was warm, country without being too kitsch and the cherry wood accented furniture and front desk made her want to stay there forever. It was comfortable, something her own home with her parents had never been.
She could understand why this was one of the best rated inns in the state, just by looking.
“Can I help you?” an oddly shrewd but kind looking woman asked. “Did you want to book a room?”
“Oh no, uhm I’m looking for Linda,” Amy managed a small smile, feeling completely unlike herself as she stood there in front of this woman who obviously had a lot of money. It wasn’t that she wasn’t used to people like that, it was that she was normally one of them and her life had changed so much.
“I’m Linda,” she smiled warmly. “And how can I help you dear?”
Amy shifted from foot to foot, resting her hand on Lia’s back as her daughter hugged her leg as though she was nervous too. “My name is Amy, Chris told me that you had a job opening here, as a maid.”
Linda nodded, “I do. Do you have any experience in the field?”
Looking down Amy met her daughter’s eyes, and then looked back at Linda surprised to find the woman looking back at her with a compassionate expression on her face.
“Not professionally,” she admitted, catching her lower lip in between her teeth.
Smiling a little wider Linda gestured, “Follow me,” she told her, leading her through the hotel and out back.
Lia tugged on her mother’s hand, wanting to see the flowers, wanting to take in every little thing and Amy again found herself astounded by her daughter’s innate curiosity.
Linda gestured to the small potting shed, “It’s only one room, but it’s been converted to a guest room and there is a bathroom with a tub and shower. It was my intention to have it be a guest house and we did all the work on it but no one wanted to stay here.”
“Okay,” Amy said, unsure of why the woman was telling her this.
“I’m assuming you and your little girl are in need of a place to stay, some privacy perhaps?” Linda asked, arching an eyebrow.
Amy could feel her cheeks burn, but was happy when she saw there was no pity in the older woman’s eyes and jerked her head in a nod. “Yeah, we do. I mean, we have a place now but it’s in someone’s basement.”
“And beautiful little flowers need to be kept out of the dark,” Linda said with an amused expression. “There’s no kitchen, but I’m sure Trish, our chef would have no problem whipping up any food you could possibly need. If you don’t like that she would probably let you have use of her kitchen.
Amy managed another nod, hope swelling in her heart as she studied Linda. “Are you saying I have the job? And we can live here?” she gestured to the shed.
Linda nodded, reaching out to squeeze her hand, “Call me softhearted but I see a lot of fire and determination in you, and if Chris Daniels trusts you than I really have no reason not to.” She looked down at Lia, “Do you think you could live here sweetie?”
Lia nodded rapidly. “I think it would be great, I like the flowers and it’s really pretty on the outside. I’ve always wanted to live in a hotel.”
Amy laughed softly, hugging her daughter. “So what do I do?”
Linda shrugged, “Go get your things from where you’re staying, leave your information with me and get settled in at home I would think. You can start Monday.”
Nodding Amy smiled bright, resisting the urge to throw her arms around this woman and give her a hug.
It had been so long since she’d felt like she had a home, but Linda seemed so nice, so caring just like most of the people in town and she had her baby with her.
She really didn’t need anything else. Not Randy, not her parents.
Amy Dumas and little Lia were going to learn how to stand on their own, and they were going to be okay.