Title: Shining Pairing: Punk/Lita Rating: PG Complete: Yes Genre: Fluff Prompt: 023. Diamond Ring// Table Summary: No one ever expected this of them Warnings: None.
This was adorable, Ashley. I'm so glad you posted something new. Despite everything, I still adore this pairing, and I loved how this was fluffy without being cheesy. Fantastic work.
I don't pay attention to nor do i watch wrestling anymore. Sadly a majority of the fans ruined it for me, I'm writing this 'ship just to finish out my table.
I understand all too well. I'm in the same boat. Wrestling fans are so negative & mean that it's just not worth it sometimes. I watch very little American wrestling nowadays. But I hope that you can finish out your table, and pursue other fandoms.
I don't watch/pay attention to wrestling anymore due to the way a majority of fandom is. It was too negative for me. I'm just working on finishing my table, and finishing all my wip's in wrestling fic and then that'll be it for me.
Comments 12
I don't pay attention to nor do i watch wrestling anymore. Sadly a majority of the fans ruined it for me, I'm writing this 'ship just to finish out my table.
I understand all too well. I'm in the same boat. Wrestling fans are so negative & mean that it's just not worth it sometimes. I watch very little American wrestling nowadays. But I hope that you can finish out your table, and pursue other fandoms.
Enjoyed this a lot despite the fact that my love for this pairing has added once again. But I love your stuff so I had to read it anyway.
Cute and fun. I hope you can write something else now and get get into the swing of things.
I don't watch/pay attention to wrestling anymore due to the way a majority of fandom is. It was too negative for me. I'm just working on finishing my table, and finishing all my wip's in wrestling fic and then that'll be it for me.
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