Nov 20, 2003 22:11


Name: PJ
Sex: On occasion
Location: Albany, for now
Birthday: September 13. I had my 13th birthday on a Friday.

7 bands: Phish, They Might be Giants, Soul Coughing, Saul Williams, Medeski Martin and Wood, Led Zeppelin, Eminem
6 best traits: I'm awesome, I rock, I kick ass, I'm totally cool, You can suck it, and I am awesome
5 movies: Harold and Maude, Akira, Event Horizon, Night of the Living Dead, As Good as it Gets
4 hobbies: Computers, Chess, Politics, Reading
3 random facts: Prosopagnosia is the inability to recognize or remember faces in the absence of any other mental deficit. Gary Larson, author of The Far Side, has a species of chew lice named after him (the Gary Larsonius). Socrates believed that he was on a mission from heaven to make everyone else look stupid.
2 foods: Pasta and Moutain Dew Code Red
1 book: Just one? Um, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, by Douglas Addams

Do you smoke? Smoke what?
Do you drink? On occasion.
Have a life? Not really, no.
Been in love? I'll answer that in the affirmative.
Drug of choice? Mary

What do you believe in? I believe that all states and traits of human existance, whether they be physical, mental, social, emotional, spritual, epistemological, caffeinated, or decaffeinated, exist on continuums and not as black/white opposites or discrete values. Also, I believe that a "person" is the crossing point of several layers of existance, and that to interpret a person as just a body or just a mind or just a soul or just anything is invalid.
Why should we pick you? Because I'll give you a piece of candy.
What makes you different from other people? I take the time to think about stuff. Most people just react with what they already believe. Also, I am fascinated by the unusual, and so strive to be unusual, but more for strangeness's sake than for effect.
What are you doing on a Friday night? Tonight, I will likely be talking to Beth and doing homework. But maybe watching Flash animations and drinking malt beverages.
Pick one interest if you are accepted it will be added to the interests transhumanism
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