(no subject)

Jun 28, 2005 09:59

Well yesterday Steph came over and me and her went for a run ( she needed to clear her head out ) anyways so we ran to Alex's house to see the puppies they are soo friggen cute lol.. then we decied to run to the Mike and Nick's house cz running to Alex house was kinda short and we were not tired so we did that ... ran all they way to there house.. Mike was sleeping so we hanged out with Nick for a lil and then we had to run home cz my mom was pissed off at me but what else is new.. she is always mad lately we havent gotten along UGH so sick of it..
Today i was going to work but my mom never woke me up so I gues im not going lol but later today Im hopping my mother will let me go to TESS's house with Steph.. and tonite dno wat to go wanna get out of the house tho..

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