Apr 07, 2006 19:25
i went to my dads house yesterday morning to spend some one on one father daughter time w// him
we've never done that before
it was nice
he && i have been getting along so well
we went to visit my grandma && aunt to show them my car
then to lunch
it was at this really nice restaurant by the huntington beach pier
but unfortunately my car got pooped on [eight times] w// in the time spent eating
by the way i had coconut fried shrimp && it was delicious
okay so we went home && washed my car
&& it definitely needed that
&& bought this thing to wipe the dust off ya know what i'm talking about
after we went to his friends house && stayed && chatted for a while
when we went home we were watching law && order
which always puts me in a scaredy cat mood
&& like when i went to watch television in my room all the sudden this laser came pointing through the window across onto my closet
i got scared && it took forever to fall asleep
when i woke up we had breakfast && i got ready to come home
b//c sadly i had work
well being so lucky i got stuck in stop && go traffic
&& it all turned out to be b//c they had to street sweep the side of the highway
like are you kidding me
i sat still in my car for five minutes straight so they could pick up other people's waste
well anyway i made it home
saw drew
went to work
&& now kim is coming to pick me up