In Defence Of Season 5

Jun 09, 2008 21:48

Yeah, I'm doing a thing right now. I intended to come on and basically freak out about the Brothers and Sisters finale, but in my world, this takes precedence. I was flisting and flisting my flist's flists (lol, yes stalker) and I saw at least 4 posts and comments in which people diss season 5. And I am so sick and tired of it. Apart from a couple of episodes, give me season 5 over season 6 (and a lot of season 7) anyday. So here is your ep by ep guide as to why season 5 does NOT deserve the shit that it gets.

7A WF 83429
Oh boy but doesn't this just rip your heart out? The montage at the end is just incredible, and just as good as any in seasons 1-4. You're torn between feeling for Bartlet, but at the same time, you really see Abbey's hurt and maybe even start to be pissed off as well. Charlie needs a giant hug, and OMG there's a republican President. A totally stunning season opener.

The Dogs of War
Fair enough, the, "Oh wait, look, there she is" resolution BLEW. Cannot be denied. They blew that play. Aaand, here comes Ryan and Angela Blake. (You know, about a gazillion similarites between TWW-Ryan and Office-Ryan just jumped out at me.) Whilst I'm really not a great fan of the characters themselves, I like seeing what they bring out in the other characters. The resolution is the biggest indication that it was tough with no Aaron Sorkin and that they were struggling, but can you blame them? It always gonna be tough, and I think they handled it better than most shows. *cough*withoutatraceseason4*cough*

Jefferson Lives
Zoey gets all the hugs in this one. A kind of slow episode, and I guess not especially memorable, but Elisabeth Moss is wonderful this, and Martin Sheen is even more amazing than usual. Amy/Josh Part II starts, Ryan is still a creep, yet good for a few lols, and we have the hunt for a Vice-President. Not gonna lie, I do think that this shot is one of the all time greats.

I guess this is the first non-kidnap related episode of season 5, right? And it's a pretty wonderful episode at that. Ok, there's the prompter screw up with the Bob Russell speech, which... not the most believable in the world, but fun, all the same. Surely even non Josh/Donna shippers find the aunt and uncle meeting sweet, and then there's also a bow-tie moment on top of that. (And oh, look, he was doing it himself, so YES, Josh can tie a bow tie on his own, ok, fic writers?) And most importantly, the heartbreaking non-defection, and CJ's fight for him. On a way shallow note... the dress that everyone adores makes another appearance.

Constituency of One
Guess what, guys? Joshua Lyman =/= God. So let's take him down from this pedestal. People screw up, even people as smart (and good-looking, apparantly) as Josh, so lay off the writers for this one. Due to my current Brothers and Sisters high I just have to mention TOMSKERRITFLAIL. (I still loathe you, William Walker.) Why shouldn't the VP try and poach Will? Maybe Will shouldn't have to gone to work for him, but is it really so unrealistic that he did? Hands up, I don't like that Will turned into kind of an asshole, and he lost his Will-ness, but I think we can lay off the writers putting him with Bingo Bob. I love that Toby is the one staying focused and shaping the message calendar. And for all those, "Leo turned into an ass" believers? Yeah, he got tough, but let's just bear this in mind:
"Things were not easy in the White House at the beginning of this season. I mean, fictionally," he (John Spencer, K?) said. "And a lot of it fell on Leo's head, an unhappy staff, a president that was miserable and had lost his daughter, and a first lady who could no longer communicate with me and said that she didn't want me in the house any longer. So Leo's been going through a lot of stuff."
But isn't it a bit more realistic for Leo, as a chief of staff, to be a tougher guy?
"I think so," he said. SO STFU HATERS.

Disaster Relief
Erhlich gesagt (My new favourite German phrase), at first I wasn't the greatest fan of the CJ -> COS promotion. But then, you look at Disaster Relief, and you get it. You see why. She lets Bartlet do what he needs to do, and then she does what even fancy new Leo won't do, and she tells it to Bartlet like it is, while Leo is still tiptoeing around him. That's why she made a great choice of COS. Who doesn't love Donna's faux crush on the cappuccino man with his little newsboy hat and even more, her looking out for Josh? And finally, Josh yelling at the Capitol. Stunning. That, right there, is why The West Wing is pretty much the greatest show of all time.

Separation of Powers
Woo-oo, Chandler's back! What I love about The West Wing is how there's one storyline bubbling along that you don't really pay that much attention to, and then, BAM, it's really kind of a big deal, and this episode is one of the greatest examples of that. "Yada-yada financial tal- WAIT, WHAT?!". Indeed. Angela Blake is pissing off Josh fangirls everywhere by doing her job, and I get a, "Fuck yeah, Donna rules" moment. Also, a non-USian I like seeing episodes with the judicial branch. It's kind of a filler episode leading up to shutdown, but not unwatchable by any means.

Oh boy, this episode. One of my "go-to" episodes when I start feeling that watching Dead Irish Writers is getting a bit old. Donna pulls a rebound and saves social security, Abby comes back and kicks some Presidential ass, and once again, Josh is the Golden Boy. Our heros win the day, and we all get to the credits thinking, "I have the greatest favourite tv show in the whole entire world."

Abu el Banat
A Christmas episode. ♥ Always full of love. I know it's not up there with seasons 1-4, but it's still a gorgeous episode. Plus CJ drops a tree on Toby, there's the excruciating Doug (bless) and uh, I really kinda love Liz. My personal favourite is poor CJ trying to talk to the grandkid... DAMNIT WHAT IS THAT KID'S NAME?! I can so relate to her uncomfortableness, and oh yeah. Josh bought Donna's gift at Thanksgiving, and it isn't gift vouchers or socks, and CJ has more problems with her Dad, and opens up to Toby about them. I also just found this quote and it made me go, "awwr" in a room filled with people, so it gets a post:
There are a couple that always come to mind. Allison was doing this episode about her father and she kind of broke down and she looked at me, tears were still in her eyes after the scene was done. She gave me a big hug and said I couldn't have done this with anyone else so thank you. - Richard Schiff
I love this episode because it's one of the ones that's focused on the first family, and personally I love those.

The Stormy Present
A nice little one off, which gives people more flail than I think they realise. Urm, Toby drunk? And singing? Never a bad thing. More Presidential trivia? Always. Josh/Donna banter and inneundeo about her losing her virginity? Bring it on. Maybe it's not the most memorable episode in the world, but it's still nice to watch. It's also pretty fun trying to work out the timeline and continuity of the President's, and figuring out when The West Wing-verse meets Real World...verse. Oh, yeah, and then, there's this shot. What do you mean, the Secret Service probably wouldn't let him be up there alone? Hush up, it's a gorgeous shot. Ooh, and also, can anyone confirm this for me? The scene at the start with Bartlet shaving and humming, and then cutting himself. Is that the deleted scene from Posse Comitatus? I'm like, 99% sure it is, but nowhere confirms this.

The Benign Prerogative
Maybe I'm biased. Ok, I'm biased. But I adore this episode, and it's also one of my "go-to" episodes when I can't decide which episode to watch. This is even despite Gabrielle Union, who I have an affectionate dislike for. We get romance!Charlie, and at the same time, duty!Charlie, and who doesn't love Charlie when he's all up defending the President? There's more of the Bartlet/Leo friendship, and tell me who didn't have their cockles warmed by that? Rena... I can always take or leave, but JOEY! Joey is in this episode you guys! Finally, Donna sorting through the applications for clemency. Here's that bias again, but Janel is freakin' stunning in this episode. Oh, and for all of those J/D shippers out there: The neck rub.

Slow News Day
Richard Schiff FTMFW. I'll admit, this is one of those episodes that I was forget about. "Slow News Day, is that something to do with a cauliflower?" but then I watch it and freak out all over again, especially with the opening and the similarities to 17 People. They chose some pretty ballsy topics to cover in their first season without Aaron Sorkin, and you can't fault them for going for it. It's pretty damn heartbreaking to watch them have to let go of the credit for it, but we all know who the heros are, and this is just why we love 'em. And, and the "kerching" moment. Love it.

The Warfare of Genghis Khan
BINGO BOB... Oh Bingo Bob. But that's not the real reason why this episode is one of my favourites. Nope, it's the scene when Josh tells Donna about Blind Willie Johnson, and her, "That got me" at the end. Damn you, West Wing, for being so damn inspiring that you make me tear up a little all the time. Maybe it's not one of those episodes that you watch over and over again, but when you do watch it, it makes you feel pretty damn good.

An Khe
No matter what you think of Leo in season 5, you pretty much had to have been destroyed by the ending of this episode. So much love. Josh gets (rightly, if he was giving the wrong information) by Ryan, and urm, what is it with the writers and chicken-related duels? Donna engages Chicken Bob in Freedonia, but before that, CJ went on The Taylor Reid show and carved him into McNuggets. One of those episodes that brilliantly balances angst and emotion with the funny.

Full Disclosure
So, once upon a time, CJ slept with Hoynes, and everyone was like, "HOOOOLY SHIIIIIT." And suddenly, a lot of previous encounters made so much sense. There are no words to describe Allison Janney during the scene with Hoynes, and then again with Toby. This is why the woman has more awards than I have coats. (Ie, A lot.) It's a pretty fucking intense episode, but an incredible one at that, and again, one of those episodes that hits you with something when you least expect it. Sooo much love.

Eppur si muove
ONE WORD: MUPPETS. If that doesn't charm the hell out of you, then you, my friend, have no love inside of you whatsoever. I also really love them working out who leaked the information, and how they piece it together. This is wonderful for the fact that it's truly an episode that makes you think and question what you think. The West Wing at its best provokes debates and an exchange of ideas, and I won't lie, this episode made me change my opinion of scientific research. The West Wing is an inspirational show, and this episode is a prime example of that.

The Supremes
It's pretty much the greatest, right? IMO, greatest season 5 episode (tied with Gaza) and it's up there in the top 10 of all time. GLENN CLOSE, Josh Lyman gesticulation wildly, CJ getting drunk with a senator and singin American Pie, and Donna once again unintentionally saving the day with her cat story. William Fichtner's hair, the line, "Akimbo's a word you wish got used more often", Josh loving her, her mind and her shoes, Debbie with the flower water squirter thing (Will someone please explain to me how I'm fluent in three foreign languages, and yet English still eludes me?) and a WGA award for Deborah Cahn. I could go on forever, but I'm working to a time limit here.

OH FOR LOVE. So, urm, I remember reading that people don't like this episode? Quite frankly that does not compute in my mind, because it kicks ass. I adore it when my shows dare to be different, and the documentary was such an awesome idea. I really don't know what to say about it except that it was a great idea, and well executed, and, well ALLISON JANNEY PWNS ALL.

Talking Points
Not my favourite, if for the rather shallow reason that one of the chapters is called "Josh-Donna Feud" and I saw that by mistake and now it always upsets me. Admittedly, not the best episode of the season, but like Eppur Si Muove, it provokes the debate about free trade, and has the added bonus of being directed by Richard Schiff.My absolute favourite part however is Leo's line to CJ, "Seriously, who are the little guys?..." because it's such a damn good point, and although I usually hate being proven wrong, I don't mind so much when it comes from The West Wing.

No Exit
Oh boy. I know most people start the Gaza arc with, well, Gaza, but I have to include this. Mostly so it gives me a chance to watch it. Yes, I'm STILL slightly confused about whether or not it was real, but I really do adore the fact that I knew something that Toby didn't. (Satre.) Donna wears THE most incredible dress and hears the truth from CJ. (So CJ was on a whole big truth telling spree this season, huh.) I know fics like to turn CJ into evildom, keeping Donna away from Josh, but it sooo needed to be said. So... Go CJ. The Toby/Will fight is, admittedly, a little hot, and, well, I just adore Mary McCormack's bangs. I think a lot of the reason people don't like season 5 is because of the way that the characters developed (What, people change?! Are you kidding me?!) and this episode just brings it all together and kind of ties it up, and shows what should be pretty obvious. The last year has been HARD on them. Really hard, and it's taken it's toll, and they aren't the same bushy-eyed idealists that they could allow themselves to be earlier on. And that isn't a bad thing.

Gaza/Memorial Day
I'm sorry, where would you like me to start? I really don't know if this is my bias or not, but this is an awesome episode, and arc, right? You know what really makes it? The reactions. The look on Josh's face when... well pretty much throughout the whole episode, and Richard Schiff acts his ass off. The build up is incredible, and leads into an amazing climax before OH WAIT. You have to wait months, bitches. I think it was pretty brave of them to take on the problem of the Middle East, and they pulled it off so well. It sets up everything that followed in season 6, tears your heart out, and yet somehow makes you want to watch it over and over again. Masochist? Why yes, I am.

So what I am saying is this: No, it's not season 2. Or season 3, or 4, or 1. But it's still better than season 6, and at it's best, better than the vast majority of season 7. Off the top of my head, I can think of 3 episodes in season 6 that I go to when I feel like watching any random episode, and at at least 8 or 9 in season 5. Maybe the episodes as a whole weren't Two Cathedrals or In Excelsis Deo, but God, they had their moments. The montage at the end of 7A WF 83429, the BWJ speech in The Warfare Of Genghis Khan, pretty much all of the Supremes. There are plenty of moments when season 5 does what The West Wing does, and it inspires you and makes you think, as well as making you laugh, and wanting to crawl through the screen and give your character of choice a big fat hug.

{show} the west wing

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