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Jan 12, 2006 18:50

rewinding to yesterday for a moment: after lunch, me and ryan were talking while on our way back to class er whatever and he was talking about how his brother doesnt hang out with ugly people and then he looked over @ me and was like "well, I guess I don't either". and I just thought it was a cute thing to say. lollll

on to today.

I got a 48 outta 50 on my geometry test. yay for that. but I've been doing good in that class all semester. history, we took a map test and the vietnam test thing. and I think I did okay on that. we had a sub-- Scott Collins [Ilike the name loll] --and he told us about a couple things that happened to him in college. he was pretty cool. chemistry, we got our tests back and I did way better than I expected: 91 outta 105. which is like..86% I believe. so a B. Jessica got 100% though. she's a smartie. in english. haha we had to watch school house rock grammar edition or whatever. just unpack your adjectives. quite a funny litte thing. wcspa was just review and tap dancing. I really forgot how much I love tapping. I need to practice my single, double and triple time steps though. I can do the buck just fine. and I need to practice those damn tacky annies too. ahhhh oh well. that's not until tuesday. I got some time.

then Jenny came over after school. we were supposed to work on our midterm but it didn't really happen cause she got caught up with my camera and the computer. lol soooo we're working on that monday. just the blocking really. we have the general idea of what we want to do. but yanno. practice makes perfect.

Tomorrow is gonna go by soooo damn slow. review in math, study in history, test in chem, no clue for english, midterms for WCSPA. then home. STUDYING and then over to alex's a little later in the day. ohhh mygosh I'm so excited =]
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