Free Ideas: Measuring News and Wikipedia Bias - automated media bias meter

Feb 22, 2014 15:06

An interesting and useful text-mining project is to create an automated tool which  will during the time of crisis compare data from various news sources and would try to estimate major interest groups and compute bias of the articles towards these groups. One interesting testbed for such tool could be wikipedia articles on current politics written in different languages. In such articles the tool can gain access to the time-line of edits, geo-location of the editors and their political preferences.

For example it could be of interest to compare media bias in these two relatively neutral articles about current events in Ukraine. One thing that catches an eye is that word "titushki" is frequent in the first article and is absent from the second one.

Bias meter's score appearing next to the news item in the news aggregator would be a very important tool in the times when political manipulation of the media and social networks is commonplace.

news, society, free ideas

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