New Fic: Busy Mending Broken Pieces

Jul 03, 2017 14:33

Continuing with the trend of fics based on the Sherlock Twitterverse... this is related to an exchange that Sherlock and John had on March 16th, but you don't have to have followed the contact twitters to understand it.  I've got one or two more of these in the hopper, than some bigger fics dealing with the mess of series 4, then maybe it's back to the Pony Express universe in TS.

Title: Busy Mending Broken Pieces
Fandom: Sherlock BBC (Twitterverse)
Rating: Teen/ PG
Category: Slash (Sherlock/John)
Word count: 3662

Summary: They've never talked about the fall, or what happened after.  Time to remedy that.

Busy Mending Broken Pieces

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