(no subject)

Oct 30, 2008 08:43

  • Came back from a short holiday in Terengganu. Was exciting for all the wrong reasons (omg abandoned resort!!). Got to swim in the sea and play on the beach which was a WIN! Will try to remember to post pictures on LJ.
  • Playing WoW again for a short while. Achievements are evil. If internet doesn't improve might opt out of WotLK which makes me qq a bit.
  • Speaking of achievements i'm so close yet so far away from some of them. Most noteably the 50 pet achievement..ARR!!!
  • More on WoW, I guess I'm really stuck with my priest now. I can't be bothered to go level my hunter or other characters. Siiiigh. Fixation 4tl? ps: My priest got a haircut! A nice change (I hope) from seeing the same thing for the last few years.
  • Work is work. Temp staff not working out as well as I'd hoped. I also suspect that I'd gotten use to living without an admin staff or clerk so now that I have one I don't know what to give him because I do everything myself now.
  • Sort of need a haircut but sort of want to leave my hair long too.. hmm
  • I love my SPN and Jensen Ackles I really do. 4.06 with paranoid Dean was so much LOL! for me. ps: I can't seem to get over how gigantic Jared is!

work, wow, random, spn, spyr, games, holiday

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