
Jan 07, 2008 21:42

I've never really been a huge tech fan when it comes to handphones mainly because I know I can't afford to be impractical about them. I 'recently' changed my phone in May 2007 (wow has it been that long already?) mainly because my previous phone was broken beyond repair.

Back then I got the Sony Ericsson Z310i. It's a really basic clamshell SonyE phone. I got it because I've always liked the SonyE z-series clamshell phones. It was cute and an upgrade from my broken z200. I considered the w-series (walkman phone) but I just couldn't afford it. So I got a very basic clamshell which at the very least looked cute.

Don't get me wrong because despite the total lack of features I still loved the phone...until one fine day when we were walking around, dear ol'
obsidianrain decided to head to a handphone store to browse.

And thats when I *died*.

Introducing the SonyE z320i (literally the upgrade for my z310i). It's got all the minor modifications and seems to have the basic functions of the z-series. It's a girl's phone through and through. And OMG it's so PRETTY!!!

What also killed me was the SonyE w200i. It was in hot!pink at the store (head to the link->see the phone->click on pink piccie at the bottom) and it was the exact same price of my z310i!!! It must have come out after I got my phone because there is no reason why I wouldn't have bought such an awesome looking walkman phone for the same price as my cute clamshell. *stabs self*

Against my better judgement I spoke to the salesgirl and she said I could probably trade in my phone for a reasonable price. However it is really not the time for me to be spending money so unnecessarily and my phone which is still under a year old with warranty is hardly hardly due for replacement.


eta: There's going to be a new beagle in the house!! Basically my mum's friend has an extra dog that he can't keep so he's giving it to us. All I know is that it's a boy! My parents went to get it just now (i'm over at
obsidianrain's atm) so I'll see it later and post details tomorrow!

random, rl

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