because I have not been fangirly enough lately!

Jun 01, 2009 13:49

SPN - Jensen has let his hair grow out! OMG! He looks so young and adorable!!! Also, while I'm kind of sad that there is only 1 more season left of Supernatural (let it stop at 5 plz!) I am also kind of glad.

Twitter - I hate it so much. I've been trying to understand it because a)Misha Collins is on it b)Alot of people have been updating about the Asylum con on twitter. Unfortch, I still don't geddit!! *iz lame*

Star Trek Reboot/XI/JJ/Whatever you want to call it - I've seen the movie. I really enjoy it. Chekov is SO ADORABLE OMG! *squish* But he's only 19!!! (Or rather Anton is) This is terrible! I also think that James Kirk is hawt. Chris Pine doesn't do anything for me however... hmm. I also want more Sulu.

WoW - Got a bunch of gear for my priest 2 weeks ago and I am LOVING IT. Pretty + Functional = WIN! I'm also chasing a heap of achievements. Why? I dunno lol. Maybe it's cos i'm mad.

Terminator - I watched the 4th movie, Salvation on Saturday. I kind of enjoyed T3, I kind of enjoyed Salvation. I didn't really give SCC enough chances maybe? But I think they should have stopped at T2. Have I mentioned how cute Anton is? No? HE IS SO FREAKING ADORABLE!!

terminator, wow, star trek, fangirly, spn, movie

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