
May 25, 2003 22:24

You're the Cheshire Cat. Your mysterious aura and
your penchant for riddles keep your friends
guessing. You dislike staying too long in any
one place. Your advice is always sound, if
somewhat enigmatic. The sum total of this is
that people are always following you and you

Which famous feline are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

OK, what I want to know, is why every stupid quiz ends up saying I don't like to stay put when that isn't even one of the questions asked? Do I really have such a restless vibe? I mean yeah, I want to move now, but it's not like I've moved very far in my life. Hello, just go home from the house I grew up in where I sat my sorry butt on the couch and watched TV, same as most every night of my life!

In other news, Karen is my hero. Yup.

And Sarah, you need to stop hiking more than I do. I'm starting to get jealous.
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