My story
Bear in Contradicting Landscape is live as part of
Apex Magazine's Issue 33. An excerpt:
L’s full name, Logos Agape Varvara, was her father’s way of protesting Vatican II. It meant something like “the wandering word of divine love.” She’d put up with playground taunts until she was twelve, then started using her initials, LAV, as her name. It didn’t take long, however, for the boys to start calling her “LAV-ia,” so she’d given up and started going simply as L, wearing black and reading books on witchcraft. By the time I’d met her, she was working as an embalmer, prepping cadavers with cosmetics and chemicals.
Also in this issue: an interview and a short fiction reprint from Maureen McHugh; fiction from A.C. Wise; poetry from Carrie Vaughn; nonfiction from Alex Bledsoe; and an editorial by the boss, Lynne M. Thomas.