Friday Linkdump

May 08, 2009 11:08

I seem to have no capacity to write anything interesting or clever today, so I am stealing links from my f-list.

Via warren_ellis: Scientists may have located the seat of free will in the human brain. I don't know about you, but I am getting ready to exercise that part of my brain in order to run and hide from the scientists who are currently making plans to remove it.

Via glvalentine: Keanu Reeves to star in an adaptation of "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." This will only be good if Alex Winter plays Hyde.

Via matt_ruff: Artificial Owl, a blog of structures humans made and then abandoned. See also urban_decay and rural_ruin right here on LJ. (Also: They made a SERIES out of Life After People?!? And me having gotten rid of the History Channel, too. Sigh.)

Via tanaise: The makers of the (extremely awesome) Samorost games are coming out with a full-length game called Machinarium.

Finally, because it makes me happy:

image Click to view

games, movies, ruins, future, science, music, keanooooooooo

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