1. George W. Bush. Occasionally, as this man worms his way out of office, I have irrational flashes of nostalgia for his slapstick leadership. Like, during the press conference this morning, when he made that little joke about the press "misunderestimating" him. Then I remember that he is not the governor on Benson or the mayor on Spin City, and everything that he has managed to fuck up, and I am angry again.
Save the Sea Kittens. I swear PETA was relevant once; or did I imagine that?
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror is no more. Seriously, this was the anthology that made me want to write short fiction, and introduced me to a zillion writers. One of my career goals was to get a story into one of those volumes. I can't believe it's going away. (At least
Ellen has a deal with Nightshade to do a couple of horror Year's Bests.)