(I got proofs! Last night I went home and found a li'l present from FedEx. Yes, there was dancing. Now I just have to comb over them looking for mistakes.)
BUT that's not really what I wanted to post about. I'm always telling you about what I'm up to, but I'm bad at keeping up on other people's news. Like, the fact that
gregvaneekhout sold his novel, or that
paulmelko's book came out this week, or what have you. There are a lot of talented people reading this (ostensibly, at least), but I'm not sure y'all are aware of each other, so today I'm going to have you all create content for me. If you've got something exciting coming up--be it a book, an art exhibit, a graffiti tag, whatever--post a comment about it. Plug yourself. Post links, post pics, post blurbs. Be shameless. Monday I'll post a link back here to remind y'all about it, so everyone can see what they should be on the lookout for.