Title: Never Too Late
inkgeistWord Count:100
Warnings: Unbeta-ed
Disclaimer: I own nothing, its all JKR's.
A/N: A tough last challenge considering that I read Last Supper and only see the painting. Though this is really late, I couldn't let this last challenge pass without at least one drabble and now it looks like this one invited friends...
Remus bolted from the art wing of the Royal Academy of Arts at the sight of The Last Supper, his heart breaking and reforming with every step. He didn’t allow himself a single thought until he was safely in the stacks in the Academy’s library.
To be fair, that had little to do with the painting than with the man walking past it. A man who came far too close to being posthumously sentenced to be Kissed despite all evidence to his innocence.
He’s alive! Perhaps relocating the bits of evidence against him wasn’t too little too late after all…