Title: Gift for a Grump
inamac Rating: Gen
Warnings Grumpiness and pedantry
Word Count: 100
Notes: I couldn’t let Sev's birthday go without writing *something*.
Gift for a Grump
"Fifty five today, Severus!"
"I don't see any reason to celebrate."
Lupin sighed. "This is going to be the Millennium all over again, isn't it?"
"The fact remains that the year 2000 was not 'The Millennium' and celebrations were…."
"It was your fortieth birthday for heaven's sake! Most of us hadn't expected you to see it."
"I wouldn't have, but for you," Snape admitted. "Insisting that I carried anti-venom and blood-replenishing potion everywhere."
Lupin fingered the crimson phial at his throat. "As you insisted that I carry wolfsbane. But we both made it. So stop moaning and open your present."