Snape/Luna pic (PG 13, work-safe)

Jul 25, 2006 17:44

Artist: electromoon
Title: The Crumple-Horned Snorkback
Characters: Luna Lovegood/Severus Snape, a Crumple-Horned Snorkback. Luna is over 18. Well over that age, in fact.
Rating: PG (work-safe)
Media Used: ArtRage2 & Photostudio 2000, Mouse-drawn.
Warnings: Apart from Het, a bit of Fluff, a lot of AU'ness & some artistic licence I took with body proportions, none.
Disclaimer: Luna Lovegood, Severus Snape & Crumple-Horned Snorkbacks belong to J.K.Rowling, not me. No money's being made out of this, no copyright infringement intended.
Challenges: The July snape_rarepairs Snape/Luna Challenge.
Notes: I had the idea of doing Snape & Luna as an elderly couple who had been together for a long while. And, working as an Unstoppable team, proven the existence of the Crumple-Horned Snorkback (at least as I imagine the creatures to be ... prior to book 7's release). Those things along it's back are supposed to be snorks.

x-posted to my journal & snape_rarepairs, hp_fringeart, prof_snape & do_me_profsnape

rated pg, electromoon, art, corvus_coronis

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