ART: Luna's Fantasy World, Severus/Luna, G

Jul 11, 2006 13:19

Hello Everyone! This is my first post here, and I come with a drawing - I hope you like it!

Title: Luna's Fantasy World
Artist: PurpleFluffyCat
Pairing: Severus/Luna
Rating: G
Challenge: snape_rarepairs July Challenge - Severus/Luna
Medium: Pencil and Coloured Pencil
Notes: This drawing was inspired by a lovely story called Implausible, Irrational, Preposterous, Peculiar, and Just Plain Luna by thetreacletart

Severus has been languishing in Azkaban awaiting his trial for killing Dumbledore. However, when the Order of the Phoenix discover his innocence, he is spirited away to Luna Lovegood's fantasy-world by way of rescue. A corporeal version of the mind's haven was thought to exist only in folklore, but many things are possible for one who daydreams so vividly...

Luna's Fantasy World

purplefluffycat, rated g, art

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