Title: The Depravity of Envelopes
Characters: Severus Snape/Luna Lovegood
Word Count: 547
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Luna has never done anything the conventional way.
A/N: This idea has been in my mind for weeks now. I hope I did it justice.
Written for
fanfic100, under the prompt of 'taste.'
In modern days, it is custom for Owl post to be sealed with an enchantment, or if one fancies the mail to be of a more formal nature, a wax seal of sorts. Some of the more elitist - and often Pureblood families - employ the latter ritual more often.
Luna Lovegood apparently is not fond of any wizarding methods of sealing envelopes.
Severus remembers only his father closing Muggle mail by wetting the envelope. He looks back on that habit with utter distaste as he does anything else associated with the, thankfully, now deceased man.
He sees Luna every week when he goes to the small store she operates in Knockturn Alley - the former street having been transcended from eerie to eccentric. She owns a shop of eccentric potions ingredients he can get nowhere else as cheaply.
Every time he enters the shop, regardless of day or time, Miss Lovegood is writing and sealing her correspondence. He thinks she should have more important things to do while at work. He always plans to make a disparaging remark to wipe that obscene fantastical look off the girl’s face, but he always catches her when she’s sealing an envelope and words are difficult to muster.
On a Saturday morning, he walks into the girl’s shop, eager to escape the numbing chill. He walks in, ignoring the cheerful bell. Heading straight for the ingredients he needs, he gathers them quickly in his arms and heads to the front to pay for his purchases, not even hoping against what is inevitable.
And, there she was, pink tongue flicking out against the flap of the envelope. Back and forth, back and forth. He looks away quickly.
“Professor, how nice to see you.” Luna greets him calmly without looking up.
“I am not a professor any longer as you should be aware.”
“That is true, sir.” She seals another envelope, her tongue looking obscene against the paper. It must taste horrible.
He moves to the counter to deposit his items so that he can leave as quickly as possible. Luna makes no urge to move from her spot at the table, however, and licks another envelope.
Snape’s cock hardens in approval.
“Miss Lovegood, I want to purchase these items.”
She looked up. “I’m not a student any longer.” She licks the back of her fingers, and separates two papers stuck together with the moistened digit.
“Fortunate for my sanity. Now, tell me the price or I shall be forced to go elsewhere.”
Luna looks up at him and licks her lips. His eyes wander to the light pink lips and stay there until he realizes the girl has walked around the counter and now stands before him.
“You always watch me seal envelopes, sir. Every week,” she says. “Why?”
Severus curses himself inwardly for being so uncharacteristically transparent. He opens his mouth to answer, but he seems to have taken too long to reply, because the girl is wearing a knowing smile.
“If you wanted me to, you should’ve asked.”
“Wanted -- ”
The girl grabs his hand and kisses the back of it, then licks it with long swipes back and forth. His groin throbs and he lets the girl taste him, for surely he tastes better than a piece of paper.