Anonymous posters

May 01, 2004 00:13

What the fuck.... You think you're cool if you post anonymously on some shit you came across even though you don't know the person you're commenting on? Eat a dick AND an ass, pussies.

I hate anonymous posters that troll around ANY community - forum, LJ, what have you - and decide they have two pesos worth of cock-all to throw out. Well listen here Mr Anonymous. Your cock-all means nothing to me. In fact, I encourage you to post anonymously (no friends just fuckin around - REAL anonymous cockjockeys) and see how you feel after I punch you in your e-throat.

Better yet, if you happen to be skipping around like a retard on the net, and come across my page, and you get a FEELING that you should comment on something I have to say, then I would suggest NOT posting anonymously. If you REALLY think you have something worth adding, you wouldn't be so much of a chicken shit to do it anonymously. Not posting with your username is the same as yelling "you suck" at someone while you're driving by them at 90 mph. It's gay. Anon posters are gay.

Yes, Glen. I know. "Ice cream sucks!" You can't call me out on that shit now.

So come on bitches. Come try to be cool. Any topic you want, as long as you think you are offending. If you don't post with a username, I will have free reign to insult you with any material I wish, even if it may be something that could hurt your feelings. I.E. you were adopted, are missing a limb, have no teeth, etc.

Anonymous is a fucktard. Don't be THAT guy.
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