On reading the Anon Writing Meme, found
There is one thing I have noticed with all the supposedly helpful comments people have been leaving.
People are saying what they find doesn't work in stories, but not many are leaving any suggestions on how to fix those things they see as weakening a story line.
If you say something is not working, you should then say why, and how in your opinion and experience it could be fixed.
This bothers me really, because all that leads to is an author becoming frustrated. Because let's face it, if you don't know how to fix something not working, how are you ever going to improve?
Although I think the meme was a good idea, I think many people have missed the point and have not been as constructive as they could have been. This then shows those reviewers as being negative just for the sake of it. And, in a different view, leads one to think that people are commenting on something they have no idea about.
A good review will always point out what worked, what didn't and why and how it could perhaps be improved upon.
And on a slightly different note. Could I just mention that when you leave a review, it is higly disrespectful to an author to demand they should write characters in a different way. Suggest that they possess traits not included by the author by all means. Never demand. It makes you sound arrogant, egotistical and stupid.