Apr 19, 2009 22:13
I know this is out of the blue, and I have a feeling likely to cause some not entirely polite comments XDD
But I'm having some serious issues with authors and reviewers in the PxJ fandom at the moment.
I can't help noticing the way some authors are being treated like they are the next best thing since sliced bread yet their stories are created using bunnies from comms and other peoples ideas. The bunnehs I notice are sometimes credited but there are certain ideas that most certainly belong to other people and ARE NOT being credited in the least. And everyone is going ga ga over them, when its plainly obvious the ideas belong to other people and those same reviewers had even read those other stories.
I know that sounds confusing, but I'm seriously sick and tired of people doing this.
It almost like this fandom has become a sheep mentality where recycled ideas get so much love and credit placed on them yet original ideas and authors go by unnoticed. Well that is until the favourite at the time steals that writer's ideas.
I feel like naming and shaming those authors, but I think to myself what good would it do? They're either going to throw their toys out the pram or, and this would be wonderful, hold their hands up and say, "Yeah, I stole that idea, I'm sorry I didn't credit." I think it will be the former, because lets be honest, how many of us would like to be called a thief?
From now on I intend to credit all my ideas to myself and publicly state that they are my ideas and that you need to not only credit me but ask permission to use. It is after all only polite. Because if I see an idea used in a story that belongs to me or another writer and no credit is given. I am going to comment on it. And I really hope that all the people who read this do the same. I know sometimes originality is hard in this fandom, there are so many of us writing that ideas can be used again and again and in fairness sometimes we do think the same. Many a time I've been beaten to an idea, but I will generally add something to my post explaining why I've used it, or just plainly credit. It's not a hard thing to do, hell sometimes I don't even bother with the link to the lj username, just stick the name in there just so people know.
Is that such a hard thing to do?
I think the thing that has really annoyed me is that I have spoken to others who are seriously considering leaving the fandom because of people stealing their ideas. That is so wrong! No one should be forced to leave something they love because of ungrateful people who haven't got the balls to own up and say its not their idea in the first place. It's just not right people!
So I'm asking everyone who reads this, please give credit where its due. We are not going to think less of you, trust me. We love our PxJ stories and any authors who take that time to write something about them. We love it! But please, please, when you write that story, if you use an idea credit it to the originator. Even if you are not sure if you've read the idea somewhere but can't think where. Just state that it may belong to someone else, I'm sure someone will kindly tell you so you can give credit where it is due.
Because lets face it, if someone goes using your ideas, wouldn't you be pissed that they were getting the pat on the back and not you?
Fair is fair my friends.