
Feb 07, 2008 01:48

Here we go
Been to busy [aka working too much xD] lately to update my LJ but oh,nothing really new...
At times I actually was about to write something but as it was already in like the middle of the night I couldn't been arsed anymore and prefered to get some sleep lol

Well,whatever ^^
Been off today.
Tomorrow as well.
And school on Friday :)
Sounds good to me lol

I was able to watch footie tonight <3
Austria vs. Germany!
So ok,the first half sucked big time but oh well.
We won 3:0 anyway xDDD
Actually I don't even want to start talking about it because I wouldn't know where to start and where to
There's just one thing I have to talk about... Jens Lehmann.
He annoyed me like woah during the whole game. *rolleyes*
At the same time his mistakes made me chear like there's no end in sight xDD Because you know,with every mistake he makes my hopes for Timo Hildebrand being the No1 Goalie during the EURO '08 are rising ^^ <3
I know I'm probably biased but I just think Timo deserves it more to be the No1 at this point...
He's constantly playing in Valencia now (a fact Lehmann can't say about him in, Timo's doing really good and saved his teams' ass in a whole lot of situations by now...and I think he could do it for our NationalTeam as well <3
And seriously,if we would have played against a stronger team than Austria today, Lehmann would have got the one or another goal...and I wouldn't have been a tiny bit sad,I swear...(I know I can be mean,thank you xD).
We just need a better goalie to win the EURO than Jens is lately,sorry as I am.

The 2nd half was quite ok than.
And turned out actually quite good to the end,esp after Mario Gomez & Lukas Podolski came on the pitch <3
I wanted them to play from the beginning but Jogi just didn't do me the pleasure ^^
Klose & Kuranyi kinda sucked at times tho...
Well luckily Hitzl then scored his goal (<333) and teh Mannschaft actually seemed to get more lively from this point on lol
Then Mario und Lulu came on and things went better if you ask me lol
Lukas really worked his ass off and showed that he really wants his place back in the first team <3 (I do hope the BayernMunich guys been watching the game 'cause it was one of the best I've seen of Lulu in a while <3)...
I pretty much liked Schweini after he switched places with Schneider and played on the left wing :)
He played well with Phil,ways better than he did with Westermann (which isn't the biggest surprise as that guy didn't really do well today ^^ I don't really like him,he's playing for Schalke after all xD But ok,no offence to him.It was his first game for teh Mannschaft after all...)

Go Thommy scoring again <333

Looking forward to the next games of my boys now :)
I so so soooo want tickets for the game against Serbia...fingers crossed ;)

Uhm well.
I had school for like 2 weeks in a row.
Which was quite awesome and waaays better than expected ^^
We were splitted in two groups and with most guys I was with I've never been talking to before xD
So I really got to know them over these 2 weeks.And honestly,I really got to like more or less all of them...even tho the people I thought I'd never get along with before lol
Another good thing about this school-going-thing?
No working for two whole weeks = the weekends of as well.Which honestly happens only on a rare base in my job lol

I'm already working since last week again tho...
Couldn't go to school last Friday because I had to work.Yeah,the working schedule got fucked up and they missed to note down that I actually had school so ya.Kinda sucked as nothing was going on at work so they would have been fine without me being there but who was supposed to know lol

Friday.Like two weeks ago I guess.
There was this game...
Schalke vs. Basel!
Andi even came over to see the game as she pretty much fancies David Degen xDDD lol
So I picked her up from the train station after school,we went home,sat around,got talking and were waiting for Marina to come over as well lol
Once Marina was there we started make our own Swiss-flag ^^
Because we couldn't find any to buy but we still wanted to show our support for Basel we came up with the idea to make a flag ourself a couple of days before the game lol
So we sewed some white & red fabric together and tadaaaah.
Our flag was born <3
I still got it,it's under the back window of my Fips my car so everybody can see it ^^

During the game we developed our love for Basels' keeper...Conzi <333
Well actually Franco Costanzo but as we've got the habit to develop nicknames for footieplayers he just had to get one as well lol

I just read that Mladen Petric (Borussia Dortmund) was there to see the game as well... o.O lol
I do wonder if he came alone or brought the one or nother player of his team with him ^^

The game was good,not the best I've ever seen but as it was a 'pre-season' game I didn't expect too much anyway ;)
After the game Dario Rodriguez got a kind of 'Goodbye Party' with fireworks,music and all as he had to leave Schalke after like 5 years because of personal and family reasons...
I never had anything to do with him as we played for Schalke and am not really bothered for them and I honestly don't really know a thing about him either but still the whole thing touched me <3
He was crying.
You could see some of his team mates were pretty sad.
He brought his daughter on the pitch with him...and she was deadly cute!
And just stuff.
They played some quite emotional the firework which was awesome.
Yeah,they didn't do bet.Got to say that ^^
Even tho I told Marina & Andi that I bet they just did a firework for Dario as it was a left-over from the championsship-party they never could have xDDDD Mean,

I was actually just looking for a picture of Conzi.
But I came across this one lol
So if any club should be searching for a new goalie...they should think about Marco Streller ^^
Maybe VfB Stuttgart should have kept him,they could get rid of Schäfer then xDD :P

Anyway,that's Conzi! :)
By now his hair is wayyys longer tho,which suits him more if you ask me <3

Now that's Conzi on the right at their Christmas party lol
Hair is still longer by now but oh well ^^

There,look! ^^ Longish hair like it pretty much was against Schalke lol

As I'm already spamming you with the FC Basel...
Here we go ^^
That is sooooo Degen lol
His brother is just the same at every bloody training session in Dortmund,I swear <333

Anything else to write down?
Uhm,last Friday I had to work till 11pm.Marina and me went out afterwards anyway ^^
Nothing big,just some bar around the corner lol
And I tell you we had fun ^^
A girl who I used to go to school with works there,so it's nice to meet her there all the time anyway.
But then...
We met Schweini!! o.O xDDDD
Well no,not really Bastian Schweinsteiger himself lol
But a guy who really really looked so much like Basti it was freaky xD
He pretty dressed like him as well,you know all the newest stuff and blah.Just the way Schweini dresses ;)
Like that for example ^^

God I wanna have his babies? <333 ^^

Oh,Serkan & me are talking again!
Well text messaging at least lol
You know,I asked him to leave me alone for a while as I just needed some space to make up my mind.
To really know what I want.
And I figuered out that I'd like to give it,to give us a try.
To be honest I was kinda scared,hence why I guess I needed some time for myself.
Because until now it was more or less always like if I really liked a guy I never had a chance with him...if anything he liked me as a friend,and that was it.
And guys I wasn't interested in or just liked as a friend as well always used to like me more than they should.
So once I knew that Serkan really likes me as well..I guess I got cold feet.
I was,actually still am,just afraid to get hurt once he figures out he actually doesn't like me at all...
I know I might stupid here but oh well *sighs*
We'll see know what happens.
We're probably going to meet up next week,I'll try and tell him everything and we'll see if he still wants me after everything that happened now...

Guess that's it so far.
Could do with some sleep now as I should look half decent tomorrow,well later on lol

my life, random babble, timo hildebrand, picspam, nationalmannschaft

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