(no subject)

Sep 19, 2010 21:31

Why does it take so bloody damn long to get all the pictures,videos,everything else over to Biebstuber?! -_-
It's really annoying but it just has to be done,no :/

Beside getting annoyed by this taks haha I'm watching Howard Carpendale on telly ♥ ^^
There's only crap on telly anyway and I really,really enjoy watching him in concert :) Unfortunately it's already over in about 15 minutes...
I'll definitely look for a new job afterwards!
I'm always moaning about how desperate I am for something new but on the other hand I'm too lazy to look around for something -_-
Well I actually been searching a few times already but I didn't find ANYTHING at all that sounded interesting to me...I guess that's why I cant bring myself to keep on searching :/
But I HAVE to.
I want to quit by the 1st of December.
I wouldn't really mind if I havnt got a job just for this one month but I want to find something for January again at least.
We'll see.
Fingers crossed,valé?!
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