OMG Basti o.O rofl
Im seriously not sure wheter Im going to like or hate it xD
Actually its not that bad looking its Baschtl after all ^^.But its something totally different lol
[Does Tommy admire Schweinis new hairdo or is Tommy just laffin at him? xDDD]
Mum Hansi seems to be impressed as well ^^
StuttgartBoys <3
Too sad Serdar couldnt come as well *sighs*
Stretchy!Mario lol
Timo. <3
Timo looks slighty unimpressed/bored,doesnt he? xD
And I swear I had pretty much the same facial expression when Enke was standing in front of me at the hotel back in March rofl I wanted to see Timo,or well more or less everybody but not Enke xD
Im sorry but si,I just cant stand