Mar 06, 2005 19:55
Nspinner138: why havent u fucked colin yet? u anger me!
atomic prncess: LOL
atomic prncess: im sorry am i moving to slow for you?
Nspinner138: goddamit, why dont people understan
Nspinner138: d
Nspinner138: people shouldnt wait. it should be like "i like u" "i like u too" and then they fuck right then and there
atomic prncess: wow what if it was like a 30 year old and a 5 year old? then would that be ok?
Nspinner138: dont ask stupid questions
atomic prncess: haha
atomic prncess: why dont you just fuck someone?
Nspinner138: ok
Nspinner138: ill fuck someone tommorow
atomic prncess: alright make sure you film it too