It's damn cold here, but the trees are changing and it looks beautiful. I would have brought more long underwear for this house, though, had I known the temperature fluctuations at night.
Yesterday, M's dad, M and I drove out to the
National Air and Space Museum Udvar-Hazy Center in Virginia. It's an annex of the Mall museum building's airplanes and space craft in a nifty, huge hanger next door to Dulles Airport. M. was in airplane heaven. It was a pretty cool experience, I especially liked looking at the experimental Burt Rutan weirdness and the ultra-light aircraft people would build out of kits in their garages. Some of these things look like they're powered by lawnmower engines. There was also an experimental aircraft that looked like a Cylon raider on BSG. Also of interest: an SR-71 Blackbird spy plane.
They keep feeding us. We're going to have to roll home. I had leftover apple pie for breakfast. It was yummy.
M. and I are taking the day to veg out. Am anxious about the prospect (ironic, eh?) as I can envision the pile of stuff I normally would be doing on a weekend that will confront me on Monday morning. Luckily, I don't have class til 1:30pm Tuesday so I can play catchup.
Tonight, we're going to Simhat Torah hakafot at M's dad's synagogue in Rockville.