Apr 12, 2006 09:11
Maybe its my own fault for having a filthy kitchen floor. Or maybe its just spring time, but the ants are back. I didn't realize they were there until I looked closely...that is, actually swept and vacuumed my kitchen floor. Then I realized the little black specks weren't errant poppy seeds from friday night's challah...but were moving in a very organized manners into (and out of) my pantry. Turns out there was a sticky spot behind the cans of crushed tomatoes, so I hauled out the bottom shelf, vacuumed and mopped out the bottom of the cupboard and them mopped the entire kitchen. Sparkly!
I also went to aerobics (despite the added exercise of the scrubbing/vacuuming/mopping) because the eat-a-thon known as the Passover experience starts tonight. And I won't be able to go aerobics later this week b/c of the seders.
Of course, then I headed back to KC to see Grandma and Tamar and snuggly family. Everyone else (M., Tamar's bf, Josh and friend) is coming in today. I...have to go to school. m (mommy) accused me of "pulling an Ernie" which translates into "ditching at the moment when someone can most use your help." They still have to switch out the regular dishes for the Passover ditches. I have secured trxns.
Drove into lawrence this morning from OP, turns out the traffic is heavier going to other way. Not a bad commute at 8am...is it worse at 7am or 7:30am? (People from LA or NYC laugh when we talk about KC or Lawrence "traffic.")
Still have to buy grape jelly (made with sugar, not corn syrup) and horseradish w/beets. And plastic cutlery. (I almost typed "silverware", but remembered Rachel K-T's Canadian pique with the american colloquialism "plastic silverware." If it's plastic, it's not silverware [which by definition, is silver (i.e. Ag)], but cutlery.)