After traffic court last night, D. my opposing counsel and I went with W. to Zen Zero, a trendy noodle bar in downtown llamaville. I had never been there before, but it was fabulous. I had lychee bubble tea and garlicky, cilantro-y 'glass noodles' which looked like something that might live in a pond but tasted terrific. I love drinking the black tapioca "pearls" that are the "bubbles" in the bubble tea through the extra large straw provided. W. grimaced, "they look and taste like eyeballs."
"Mmmm," I said, "Eyeballs."
D. and I are up again on Monday to handle our $100 handicapped parking ticket case. Should be exciting. The clerk in the parking department warned us about our client, "She's pretty unpleasant." I suppose that might have to do with the fact the parking dept issued her a $100 citation.
M: The parking department is unmitigated evil. As prosecutor, you are truly an agent of the dark side.
Have a new assignment to research science behind carcinogenicity of regulated toxics. Yay! Love science projects.
Just consulted with my advisor on course schedule for next semester.
There is a disclaimer in all caps on the front of the registration packet: THE COURSES LISTED IN THESE INSTRUCTIONS DO NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT. Sometimes, I love law school.
Tentative schedule:
Trial Advocacy plus recitation section (3hrs)
Non-Profits and tax free orgs (2 hrs)
Estate Planning: Principles (3 hrs)
Bankruptcy (3 hrs)
Intro to Elder Law (2hrs)
Constitutional Law (4hrs)
Tonight, will see
Kate Bornstein at Kansas Union with