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Oct 14, 2007 02:08

Im too loyal.
People exploit this trait and it bitters me, but I still can not be compelled to abandon it.
This is true, more so than else where, at work.
I am always willing to help out some one else or to inconvenience myself to help out a co-worker because I genuinely believe them when they say they will make it up to me or that they owe me one.
I dont do things for people because they owe me then but I take them at their word that if at some time I need or want their aid for my benifiet that they will extend the same favor to me that I did to them.
More often than not though, that is not how things work.
I get screwed over by people.
In the past it has been because of seniority, now I am in a position of seniority and the new comer holds power over me to this end.
I could leave, I could easily get a better paying job, one more conveniently located closer to my residency, but I remain.
The word again is loyalty.
Not to my co-workers though, and nay to the faceless stock holders who make my job possable. Nor to the mysterious name that is scrawled at the bottom of my pay check every other week, making it magicaly worth more than the paper and ink its printed upon.
My loyalty lies not in this company its self but to my boss.
She seems trust worthy, and despite what quarles I have with my foolish co-workers I want my boss to continue to have trust in me.
Also it is possable that we will be expanding soon, and if so, a position will be opening up that appeals to me greatly and I have been told that if the position does open that it is mine for the taking.
I have been loyal hoping to be rewarded for such, but without really anticipating it.
Now I only hope that all goes well and that my efforts are rewarded.
I have decided to give this job one more year of my life and if I have not seen either a signifigant increase in pay and/or an advancement in position by that time then I am moving on.
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