June:I've decided that I'm going to do something I've never done before for the month of June. I'm going to take a picture every day of the things going on in my day to day life. I'd like to do the challenge where you take a picture every day for a year, but that's something I'd like to do at the start of the year and this makes good practice.
I've been kind of adverse to it because I've felt like I just don't have anything exciting happening in my life and I realized that this is the perfect opportunity to make interesting things and to share things that I might not have otherwise shared. :)
Ohio and Pictures: I just got back from a mini-trip to Ohio a few days ago. My grandma has had health issues for the past five years now and she was admitted into the hospital a week and a half ago. Needless to say, it scared a lot of people and we went up to see her. There were some morbid thoughts floating around that it may be the last time we actually get to see her and while she IS getting better, it still may be the last time I see her.
Basically, what they're doing now is maintenance and she's never really going to be better. She's had infections and has been exhausted to the point where just walking to the bathroom and back is too much for her and it's been this way for about 6 months.
Well, she started to retain water in her legs and stomach and so my grandpa finally just took her to the hospital and they admitted her. From what I've been told she has leaky valves, I don't know what that means exactly, but it's not something that they can fix. In addition to that, the left side of her heart is hardening which means the blood isn't pumping on the left side of her body like it should.
We haven't heard any word about results, but the word cancer was thrown around. They're testing for Myeloma, which is a blood cancer. All I know for sure is that they're not going to discharge her until she can walk on her own again and who knows when that will be?
It's morbid and I'd love for her to see many more years, but I just don't think that's in the cards and if she DOES have cancer, I don't know that she'd agree to chemo. She seemed very... resigned. She was calm and just watched everything around her and I noticed that she kept looking at me, REALLY looking at me as if she was trying to memorize me like she knew it'd be the last time we saw each other.
And I feel like a horrible person because of course it'd hurt if she passed on, of course I love her and would miss her, but my concern is actually for my mother. I can't imagine losing my mom, so I can't imagine what she's feeling or how it's going to hurt her when my grandma does go...
I didn't get any pictures of people because we went in shifts to the hospital and I knew my grandma wouldn't want her picture taken as she was, but I did take pictures of... pictures and junk. Lol.
My grandma
My grandparents
My grandparents have been married 57 years on June 9th.
I'm going to Florida in two weeks, the 13th-21st. I'm going to hang out with a boy, I'm sure I've posted about him before, but I couldn't tell you what post to see for reference of all that.
Long story short; we've known each other for 11-12 years and there's always been an interest. We tried to make it work last year, but my life just became all kinds of weird. Everything went pear shaped and I just wasn't ready for the change. Since then, I've kind of gotten myself in the right head space. I feel infinitely better about myself and I've worked out some issues that I didn't really realize were issues.
Needless to say, I'm ready for a change and if it's not this one, it'll be something else, but why not take the chance? So, I'm going to go stay with the boy for a week and we're going to see how things go. If things go well, and I suspect that they will, then we'll probably plan some more visits in some form or another and begin discussing my moving down there.
It's a big step, big change, and a big choice: we'll see where it leads me. Doing the thing in June means you'll see a few pictures of my time down there. :)