Feb 08, 2006 02:03

Just the rest of today (wenesday) to view this masterpeice of a stranger cover!! They change them up on thursday so make sure to race out and grab one if you can....I know I'M going to.
And in case you're wondering why that is a masterpeice it's because the guy in the yellow jacket is my BROTHER! Hardly the wildest of his crew but....still....DAMN.
I hear he is heartbroken from the loss on Sunday, as are we all. Common Seahawks....we had that. There were so many questionable calls......what a bummer.

Anyways I heart you all but I need some SLEEP. Take care and play safe.

OH and SUPERHERO PARTY invites all printed up....let me know if you'd like to come I'll drop you one for sure. WE EXPECT A BIG FUCKING TURN OUT!!!!
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