Oct 04, 2005 15:08
Wow, can this semester give me a freakin' break??
I keep doing poorly on test after test, even though I try to study. I think the problem is that I can't ever fully concentrate on anything, I just always feel exhausted, or sad, or just plain bored. I'd really like to do well on a test sometime soon!!
I got up this morning to find a flat tire. I was on my way to class and already had a ride so I just decided to say screw it and deal with it later. I have AAA and hopefully it can just be patched, because I definitely don't have the money for this! The power adapter cord on my laptop tore and my laptop has long died from living off its battery, hence why I haven't been online lately. My mom ordered me a new adapter, but we were told shipping could take a while. Good thing school is done for me for the week after this class (starts in T-minus 15 minutes...). Also, the charger for my cell phone SUCKS (the front face also stopped working, I think that was due to water from Hurricane Rita), so my cell phone is dead.
I had a doctors appointment for tomorrow morning but I'm sure I'll have to cancel since I'll be getting my tire fixed. I was supposed to go to Mobile but that may have to be postponed a day or two as well. I am very glad my tire didn't blow on the interstate on the way there, though. That would have been MUCH worse than deflating over night when I already had a ride to school the next day.
Blah blah blah things can start looking up ohhh right about...NOW. Yeh, that would be nice.
How's everyone else's week going? I've been missin' you guys.
Edit: Anddd my sister threw out her back (bad news, of course). My mom is flying to Mobile tomorrow to help her out for a while, which is good news because I've been missin' my mom and I'll get to see her while I'm there.