Mar 27, 2005 20:37
Easter was pretty fun. I got a basket FULLLLL of candy, theres so much I'm gonna get HuGe! And my mom ordered me a pink purse that hasnt come yet, she got me a book and a starbucks gift card, yay! I also went to brunch with my whole family at some place out in Oxford. Then we went back to my aunts house and just hung around and talked and of course we did our family tradition (that just happens to be mexican). All the Aunts save egg shells all year long and then they dye them and fill them with confetti and on Easter we hide them all around the yard and then all the kids run around cracking them on each other. It's totally ridiculous and I have confetti all over me still, it'll be falling out of my hair and clothes for the next couple DAYS!
I've been home for a few hours and I'm just waiting for Jen to get home cuz I feel like GoInG OuT tonight!(and pigging out on Taco Bell cuz Lent is finally over). While Im waiting I changed the background on my lj. It isnt anything spectacular because I pretty much suck with computers but I really wanted to make it Grease. I wanna watch that movie, anyone wanna join me?!?!