Okay I never post, I always think about it and then just read other poeple's journals instead. well not today!.
tomorrow is my 21st birthday and I am taking my son to the beach for the weekend. he's nine months old and just started walking, I'm not even used to him crawling yet and he just starts walking on me! oh and he's just two inches shy of three feet tall. I can't see how he was ever inside me and I feel like any moment he's going to look at me and say "mother dear, I fear i have misplaced my pacifier, would you please locate it for me" I should note that in my head Lijah is always unfailingly polite and talks with an english accent... wishful thinking?
I still need to finish my fanfiction. I started it on whim, posted a few chapters and than decided not too post anymore until I'm completely finished with it. and I will finish it, although I got a lot more written before Lijah decided to go all mobile on me. I also think I should look for a new beta sense I sent out a chapter for her to edit in july and haven't heard back from her, I hope she's alright.
and lastly the beautiful and talented Lulabelle let me promp her for my birthday. squee. I'm so excited, I can't wait for the 2nd part, her writing is more delicious than birthday cake.
http://lulabelle72.deviantart.com/art/Diary-Diary-99522232 hope that link works.