Hey, everybody. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been busy moving and... doing some other things. But I should be able to be around more often now. :)
I did that meme and got questions from
wtfitsmary. Here are my answers:
1. Is global warming a major concern for you?
Well, actually, the mountains of Iwate (the prefecture of which I grew up in) look amazing when covered in snow. It would be very upsetting if global warming affected that... so yes, I guess you could say that.
2. Have you ever considered being baked into a pie? I saw a wonderful play about it. It could help your acting career, perhaps.
... That's a bit of an odd question but no, I haven't. If it was for a horror/suspense movie or play, then I probably wouldn't mind the part.
... But you don't mean actually, do you? o_o;
3. Do you identify with the song "Stupid Girls" by the American artist Pink?
No, since I'm not a girl. And I do not wear bras. Doesn't mean I haven't thought of doing it, though.
4. Why don't you eat a more balanced diet?
Because I am THE KING OF CANDY! I've had that title ever since I was a kid. Loving candy and coffee is just a part of who I am; it can't be helped.
5. If I told you that the world were going to end in forty-two minutes, eight seconds, what would you do?
Well, I wouldn't be able to make it to my hometown in time, so... I'd call my parents and my older brother first. Then I'd try to get together with the other D-Boys, especially Wada, Araki, Kaji and Adachi. Ideally, we would just stay together until the end, though it probably wouldn't work out that way.
1. Leave a comment saying you want to be interviewed.
2. I'll reply and give you five questions to answer.
3. You'll update your LJ with the five questions answered.
4. You'll include this explanation.
5. You ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed. And it just keeps going, and going, and going.
And hey, Nagayama-san, Souta-san, would either of you want to go out for lunch or dinner sometime this week? (^_^)