fic: i should say and you should hear i've loved

Dec 29, 2012 22:18

click here for part 1/header post

it remains a habit, watching zayn. and maybe he's being silly and maybe after the fourth day that zayn does not spontaneously explode he should let up, but he can't help it, he's nervous for him, like waiting in line for a roller coaster or
watching a glass at the edge of a table.

but zayn seems fine, maybe even is fine, and harry doesn't understand it. after that horrible night, he just, snaps back, seems lighter than he has in days, even stops fiending for smokes. he even agrees to meet with paul and harry about seeing the shrink and when paul suggests zayn talk to someone zayn smiles lazily.

"i will, if it will put everyone at ease," here he aims a sidelong glance at harry, "i'd be glad to. but i'm fine, paul, i've never felt better."


when harry finally gathers up the courage to ask zayn about it he's already in bed but now he can't just let it go. he gets up and redresses and knocks on zayn's new hotel door.

when zayn doesn't answer, harry uses the spare key he nicks from paul on the regular and enters an empty room. his first instinct is to panic but then he notices a sheet of paper on zayn's made up bed and so he takes a deep breath and crosses the room.

i'm fine harry, the note reads, stop worrying!!! .. no? well it was worth a try. if you're really that frightened for me, come see for yourself.

there's a club listed, and an address that's not far from here so harry sighs, arranges his hair in zayn's mirror and is out the door.


the club's dimly lit but not overly crowded and harry spots zayn chatting up a pretty blonde girl at the bar. he makes his way over, tries to keep his head down and his dimples in check to avoid recognition.

"zayn, what are you -" zayn smiles up at him, easy and sweet.

"will you excuse me?" he asks the girl, who nods, kisses him on the cheek and vacates the bar stool. zayn gestures for harry to sit but harry ignores him.

"are you drinking?" zayn raises an eyebrow.

"water, harry," he passes the glass under harry's nose.

"...oh," is all harry can say.

"are you satisfied then?" zayn asks him, clearly amused.

"no!" harry protests, "m'not! i -. what are you doing here?" zayn laughs.

"picking up girls, harry, s'what you do at a bar, does that ring any bells for you?"

"but - why?" harry asks confusedly.

"because men will draw the band too much unwanted attention if i am recognized," zayn points out reasonably, "and i like girls too?"

"no, that's not what i meant," harry backtracks, "i thought -" zayn sighs, his face dimming somewhat.

"harry, liam made it perfectly clear that i have no other choice but to move on. i just need to. get rid of the feel of him on my skin, yeah? and i'm being safe, i promise."

"zayn -"

"no, haz, what's the point in waiting for something futile?" zayn interrupts. "and i'm fine. better than i've been in ages in fact, because - i got my answer. he doesn't want me, and that hurts, of course it does but. i finally know how the story ends, yeah? and how to start a new one," he quirks a smile, pleased with the metaphor, "now. you can stay and wingman for me, or you can leave on your own. but m'not coming with you, alright? i've been patient with your guard-dog like self for a while now, find it endearing even, but i can pull a girl at a bar every now and then, without you going all super nanny on me, yeah?"

harry sighs. he knows a warning when he hears one.

"you obviously don't need a wingman," harry remarks finally, eyeing the recently departed blonde. zayn barks a laugh.

"stay, haz, c'mon. it'll be fun."

harry does end up staying. mostly he sits quietly, nurses his club soda and lets zayn do the talking. and zayn is good at this. kind and genuine with good taste and an easy air of conversation. harry was right.

the last thing zayn needs is a wingman.

he ends up leaving with a tall brunette, hand in the small of her back, wink thrown over his shoulder at harry. harry finds himself grinning back until his teeth hurt. he knows that girl is in for one hell of a night.


zayn continues to go out, and harry doesn't question him, and doesn't join him again either.

he still watches though, can't seem to help himself. but despite his misgivings, things do go back to normal, and harry has never felt so relieved to be wrong.


they're sitting in the studio together, and it's silent for once as they read through the music they've been given, preparing to sing a song together for the first time.

harry's distracted.

"must you stare so intensely, styles?" zayn asks loudly, and he's smirking, the bloody bastard, "you're making me itch." harry blushes when liam and louis look up at them suspiciously.

harry leans closer to whisper into zayn's ear.

"you've got hickies, for chrissake, zayn -" zayn laughs, low and delighted.

"i admit, i did get a bit carried away," he whispers back, "but with good reason, i swear. god harry she was fucking brilliant with her mouth. jesus." harry can't help but chuckle.

"and i bet you gave as good as you got," he says slyly and zayn blushes crimson. harry throws his head back with laughter and savan glares at him.

"harry," he scolds, "focus!" harry's ears heat up and he mouths an apology at savan, elbowing zayn in the ribs when he sniggers.


"are you and zayn sleeping together?" louis asks him outright. harry looks up from his phone into liam's and louis' serious faces. he laughs.

"uh, what?"

"you're sleeping together," liam says, and it's not a question anymore and the tone of it makes harry bristle. "you're sleeping together and you told him to stay away from me because you don't want us to mess around again." harry can only stare at him for a moment.

"do you think maybe he's staying away because you're being a complete arse?" harry fumes.

"hey," louis plays mediator, "just put yourself in liam's shoes for a moment ok? it's wrong of him to jump to conclusions," and he throws a stern look at liam, "but zayn hasn't been himself with liam in weeks. liam misses him, ok haz? that's all."

harry considers liam suspiciously.

"he seems fine to me," he says stubbornly. liam fidgets.

"we don't do zayn and liam things anymore," liam admits quietly. "i'm sorry to take it out on you. i just. i do miss him."

"fine," harry relents. "he's not sleeping with me, li, promise. although -" he continues thoughtfully, "he is sleeping with like the entire population of women ages eighteen to twenty-four."

liam winces.

"he's sleeping around?" harry snorts.

"well, he's single and he's nineteen years old," harry points out.

"i'm gonna. i'm gonna go," liam mumbles, tripping over himself on his way out. harry chuckles.

"what's up with him?" louis sighs.

"dunno. everyone's being very - complicated."

"not me," harry pouts. "come cuddle? we haven't. not in a long while -"

"yeah that's because you're too busy watching zayn," louis mutters. harry laughs out loud.

"c'mere, lou. missed you." louis grins a boyish grin and harry makes room for him on the chair so louis can squeeze onto his lap and bury his face in harry's neck.

"missed you too."


harry's getting dressed when he hears the several obnoxious knocks on his door. he rolls his eyes fondly and opens the door, tugging at his chains over his shirt.

"what's up?" he asks, eyeing louis, liam and niall cautiously. you can never tell with these boys.

"nothing, that's the problem," groans louis, pushing past harry to collapse on harry's bed. he takes in harry's tight skinnies and unwrinkled shirt. "what are you up to?" he asks, humming appreciatively. harry laughs, ducking his head to muss up his hair and hide his stupid dimpled smile.

"m'gonna go out with zayn tonight i think," he says, grabbing his bracelets and watch from the hotel desk. "s'been too long since i've gotten laid." liam perks up from where he's sitting.

"can i come?" he asks quietly. the three other boys stare at him, astonished.

"you want to go out to a club." niall repeats because the room needs clarification.

"with zayn and harry?" louis adds. liam clears his throat.

"i mean - why not? i am single right? and -" he blushes. "it has been awhile." he mutters. louis guffaws and niall shakes his head adoringly.

"well, i suppose we could all go -" niall says thoughtfully, but he seems reluctant and louis pulls him close to ruffle his hair.

"nah, let the three of them go. we'll order in and you can kick my ass at fifa." niall grins at him.

"you're an angel, lou," niall tells him sweetly. harry snorts.

"god," he mutters. louis smirks.

"exactly, haz, exactly." harry rolls his eyes, laughing despite himself.

"can i, haz?" liam asks again, more tentatively. harry sobers.

"well i mean -" he stammers, but louis's giving him a stern look so harry sighs, relents. "'course, li, it'll be fun."


"please don't kill me," harry says when he opens the door to zayn's hotel room, tucking zayn's key back into his pocket. zayn raises an eyebrow.

"is paul just giving you my key together with yours every night now?" harry blushes. thinks back to this morning when paul had handed him two keys with a roll of his eyes. ("yours is 1520, his is 1522. try not irritate him ok?")

"yeah, actually," he mumbles. zayn laughs, goes back to fixing his hair in the mirror. he looks good tonight, as per usual, donned all black and a small chain for the occasion. zayn smiles at him through the mirror when he notices harry's looking.

"so why shouldn't i kill you?" harry opens his mouth to answer but there's a knock at the door and zayn's eyes narrow suspiciously.

"right on time," harry grumbles, tries to throw zayn his most innocent grin. he opens the door to let liam through, is careful not to watch zayn's expression. liam smiles at them hesitantly.

"you look good," harry whistles in greeting, looking him up and down, and liam blushes. harry thinks he's probably the only person who could pull off a collared shirt at a club. he reaches up to unbutton his top two buttons, feeling zayn's eyes focus in on them.

"yeah, you do liam," zayn agrees quietly, and harry jumps slightly. he hadn't expected zayn's voice to appear that close.

"thanks, you too," liam smiles charmingly and harry wonders if that's what zayn sees in him, earnest smiles and disarming innocence. whatever it is it's got harry feeling like a third wheel and he clears his throat, moves away from liam.

"shall we?" zayn asks, gripping harry's elbow to console his unspoken doubts. harry smiles, instantly at ease.

"pretentious bastard," harry laughs. "let's blow this popsicle stand."


zayn's already picked a place for them and he seems at home in it, even though harry doubts he's ever been here before. he signals them to get a table and heads over to the bar to grab drinks.

harry joins him a few moments later to find he's staring at a glass on the bar top.

"that's an actual drink," harry points out dumbly. zayn nods, he's clutching the table top tightly and harry watches the muscles in his throat work as he swallows hard and then tips the drink back all at once.

"it's just -" zayn breaks off, wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, "he's here you know. i just needed something to take the edge off." harry stares at him in wonderment.

"you've had me fooled, malik" he scolds softly, "i thought - but. you're not ok, are you?" and zayn sighs, turns to harry with a desperate look in his eye.

"i'm sorry haz. i'm trying, i swear." harry cups the back of his neck roughly.

"can we get two tequila shots over here?" he asks the bartender over the noise. the man raises an eyebrow.

"you look not five minutes older than sixteen, kid." zayn dissolves into laughter, throwing his head back with the force of it and harry blushes indignantly, fishing into his back pocket for his wallet.

"fuck off," he mutters at zayn when two minutes have passed and he still hasn't stopped laughing. they take their tequila shots together with their arms linked, limes at the ready and then zayn gets up, disappears onto the crowded dance floor with a sway in his step and a glint in his eye. harry follows him until he can't keep track of him anymore, and then he's pulling a beautiful, leggy blonde flush against him, appreciating the curve of her ass against his groin and her slightly unsteady rhythm.


he's lost track of the songs they've danced when he finally breaks away. he stumbles back towards liam, who's sitting at their table drinking what looks to be a coke and rum.

he slides into the booth next to liam sprawling out so their limbs intertwine and stealing liam's drink for a swig. he wrinkles his nose.

"is there any rum in this?" he asks incredulously. liam shrugs.

"no, why would there be? s'just a coke." harry stares at him.

"i thought you wanted to pull tonight," he asks carefully. liam looks away.

"i did." harry follows his line of gaze straight to where zayn is dancing with a petite brunette, leaning in to kiss her neck and run his hands along her waist.

"what are you doing, liam?" liam digs the heels of his hands into his eyes.

"i don't know, harry, alright? what do you want me to say?"

"jesus," harry mutters frustratedly. "this is ridiculous, li."

"fuck off alright? i don't know what to do or what i did to make him mad and it's driving me up a wall."

"he's not mad at you -"

"we fool around and then he ends up with a fractured hand and a hangover that lasts three days. and he hasn't spoken a proper word to me since. i'm not a complete idiot harry, despite what you may think."

"what's that supposed to mean?"

"well i mean he did end up in your bed about five seconds after he was in mine -"

"vas happeninnn?!" they both look up to find zayn grinning down at them. he's brought along the girl from the dance floor and she smiles prettily at them, fingers tucked loosely into zayn's. liam looks away, mutters something under his breath, and harry just sighs, tries to smile.

"you about to head out?" he asks zayn, nodding at the girl. zayn's expression has become shuttered at their reactions and he frowns, leans over to whisper something to the girl. she looks confused but she doesn't ask any questions, just nods and heads towards the door. zayn watches her for a moment before turning back to them.

"what's going on here?" zayn asks tiredly. liam and harry both shrug.

"nothing," harry speaks up finally, "liam's just being a complete tosser -"

"fuck off harry," liam mutters, crossing his arms.

"harry," zayn says sternly. "just let it go, alright? i understand what you're doing but. it's over. it has been for a long time. it's time you come to terms with it. i have." he tries bravely to smile at liam. "ignore harry, alright? he's just cranky and tired from the day, i'm sure of it. have a good night you two, i'm out." he ruffles harry's hair and turns on his heel.

harry turns reluctantly back to liam to find his friend's looking at him in a completely different light now, eyes wide, mouth downturned.

"oh harry," liam murmurs, frown etched with sympathy. harry stares at him blankly, runs through the last conversation in his head. oh.

"liam, it's not what it sounded like, i swear i -" liam shakes his head, slings an arm around harry's shoulder.

"it's okay, harry. it's just me, you can tell me anything. i understand, probably more than i should," he flushes slightly but meets harry's gaze with an emotion behind his eyes that makes harry swallow.

"liam i swear -"

"it's hard, you know? to love someone who doesn't love you. and to watch him sleep around -" liam breaks off, bites his lip, "it's fucking painful." he mumbles quietly after a moment. harry studies him and liam offers him a sheepish smile. "told you, i get it, harry. zayn's. well. he's extraordinary, and beautiful and hard not to love." harry's eyes widen.

"you - really?" harry asks and liam rushes to deny it but his blush is all the answer harry needs. "liam this is ridiculous. zayn is -"

"yours, i promise," liam interrupts him. "i won't get in the way, haz, you have my word. s'not like he ever really wanted me anyway. i was the one who asked him and he barely speaks to me now so -." harry wants to bang his head on the table.

"liam, you're not listening to me. zayn and i fooled around once. but -"

"stop haz, please can we -" he breaks off, pinches the bridge of his nose and when he looks up at harry again he's got pain in his eyes, clear as day. "we won't fall out over this, alright? even when he returns to his senses and comes back to you. and he will, haz, how could he not? but can we - can we not talk about it? i just. i need some time." harry wants to shake him into understanding but there's real hurt under his words and so he reigns in his frustration with a muttered curse.

"alright li, m'sorry. let's just go home yeah?" liam looks up at their surroundings as if he'd forgotten where they were, despite the harsh thrum of bass that has punctuated their conversation.

"yeah, i'd like that, thanks," he smiles shakily at harry and harry interlaces their fingers under the table before letting go and moving out of the booth. liam smile grows stronger and he leans into harry all the way back to their hotel.


harry decides it's probably for the best that he stops watching zayn, stops latching onto him like he'll disappear in the next moment if he doesn't. he spends more time with louis and niall and louis's happy to have him back, starts saving him seats in interviews again and crashing on his bed. liam stays cautious with him, draws a very distinct line between them that harry hates. he tries to tell liam, tries to set him straight, but liam gets a panicked look every time he's alone with harry, makes hurried excuses and harry's forced to find louis, who never fails to calm him down.

but sometimes, when he's spacing out between interviews or on long bus rides, memories from that night at the hotel bar creep in, bring back a cold sweat, and he glances around desperately for zayn, seeks the comfort of a small hand graze or a warm smile to know that he's still there, heart beating.

but mostly he keeps a space between their energies, avoids the knowing glances and the tiny smirks they used to share. and it worries him, yeah, because zayn's not as fine as harry once thought but. it's for the best, he convinces himself. it is.


there's a knock on harry's door and harry's too comfortable in bed with his laptop and a movie to bother getting up so he just shouts for them to come in, hopes they hear him.

it's zayn who enters and harry beams at him, hits pause and sets the movie aside.

"hey, thought you'd be going out tonight," harry says, zayn shrugs.

"thought i'd stay in actually, can i chill here?" harry grins at him.

"yeah, course, as long as you don't insult my taste in movies," he makes room for him and draws the covers back so zayn kicks off his shoes and slides in. "m'watching ruby sparks, it just started." zayn stifles a laugh and harry rolls his eyes. "oh you can fuck right off, i loved little miss sunshine."

zayn shakes his head, smiling small and sincere at harry and harry smiles right back. then a flicker of doubt appears in zayn's eye and he frowns slightly, as if suddenly remembering something.

"you're not angry with me, are you?" zayn asks, voice carefully casual. harry snorts.

"absolutely furious. in fact this," he gestures to the way their feet have intertwined, "is the usual routine i've got for people i positively loathe." zayn laughs, shoves at him slightly with a shoulder.

"i dunno, you just've seemed more faraway recently. i wanted to make sure."

"figured i could trust you not to go on a bender by now, decided to let you breathe a little," he hesitates, catches zayn's eye so he knows zayn's listening to what he's about to say, "maybe make room for someone else." zayn considers him.

"what are you trying to say?" harry shrugs. he doesn't want to give it away, thinks liam will probably kill him and besides, zayn will appreciate it more if he hears it straight from the source.

"m'just saying, some people might have gotten the wrong idea about us. you know." zayn looks skeptical but harry doesn't further the point, just hits play and settles in for the movie. zayn's asleep about five minutes in. he's always had abysmal taste in cinema.


the world has it in for them, harry decides when he blinks his eyes blearily to find liam standing above them. he's blushing profusely and there's hurt in his eyes that he's trying bravely and failing miserably to hide and when harry tries to search his gaze, figure out what's wrong, liam averts his eyes.

and then harry regains the feeling in his other limbs and notices the heat of another body in bed with him, sleeping soundly.

"fuck, li, i can explain," harry says hurriedly but liam holds up a hand to cut him off.

"you don't need to, haz. it's like i said, he was always yours," he tries for a smile and it comes out shaky and sad and harry has never hated himself more than he does right now. "i just came to wake you. interview's in an hour, breakfast's downstairs."

"liam - wait, i - " but liam has crossed the room in three strides, and is out the door before harry can get another word in. harry sighs and turns to zayn, wonders how he ever got himself caught in this shit show. he wipes the sleepies out of his eyes and shoves at zayn.

"c'mon," he chides when zayn groans and turns over, "interview's in an hour. up and at 'em." zayn groans again, pushes up to stare at harry and then face plant back in his pillow on a whine. then he lifts up again.

"do we have time for - " he waggles his eyebrows suggestively and harry smacks him lightly.

"shut up zayn. don't be a shit," harry snaps. zayn stares at him.

"i - sorry. i was - "

"using me? because you can't have what you want?" harry supplies. zayn at least has the decency to look miserable.

"sorry haz," he murmurs gently, sitting up and wrapping his arms around harry's waist childishly. "don't be mad at me please." harry sighs.

"i just don't want you ruining things for yourself, zee," harry says. zayn looks at him confusedly but harry can't give him the answers he's looking for so he just shakes his head, extricates himself from zayn's arms as gently as he can.

"m'gonna shower, you always hog the hot water."

and that's that.


it's early morning and there's an unsettling feeling running through harry's blood that leaves him uneasy and paranoid, so he does the only thing he can do. he goes to louis. when louis answers the door, eyelids droopy and sleep sloppy harry already feels slightly better. louis raises a disgruntled eyebrow but harry ignores it, just runs himself into louis, wraps his arms around him and breathes in his warm familiar scent. it takes louis a moment but then he wraps his arms around harry's waist and harry sighs into him.

"hi," he mumbles into louis' neck. louis just laughs.

"c'mon babe, let's get you back into bed," he smiles, tugging at harry's belt loop. harry's more than happy to follow him but then louis stops in his tracks, harry still halfway in the doorframe.

"what -?" harry whines, but louis shushes him distractedly.

"do you hear that?" he asks quietly. harry tries to push away the bedhead fog and pay attention. and then he does hear something -

"is that -"

"shouting, yeah." they both look at each other and louis mutters a curse and then grabs his hand. he bangs on zayn's door loudly, but the door beside his opens instead and niall peeks out.

"niall did you -?" harry asks, but niall's eyes are already wide and fearful and he nods.

"yeah," he whispers hoarsely. "it's liam. he's in there with zayn."

"what the fuck," harry groans and louis resumes banging on the door until harry comes to his senses.

"no no wait," he fumbles with his wallet for zayn's key and louis snatches it and turns the lock.

they barge in to find zayn out of bed and dressed only in pajama pants slung low on his hips, arms hugging his chest in defense, eyes bright with tears. liam's fuming, chest heaving, face red. and on the bed, there's a boy harry's never seen before. harry guesses from the state of things that he's even less dressed than zayn.

"what the fuck is going on here," louis growls and harry is so so grateful because he doesn't have any words. liam turns to them, finger pointed.

"he brought a boy home. to our hotel. in front of the hundreds of fans waiting for us outside. a boy. one snapped picture and -"

"i'm sorry," zayn begs. " i was discrete, li, i swear. i never meant -"

"don't apologize to him," harry spits out and zayn shakes his head.

"no haz, he's right. i was being reckless and i shouldn't have-" but liam cuts him off.

"no harry, you're right. it's you he should be apologizing to. i dunno what arrangement you two've got and it's none of my business but it can't be easy - "

"liam, shut up," niall interjects calmly. "hey listen, whatsyername. hey sorry about all this mate. can we call you a cab? maybe get you some breakfast." the rest of them turn with some surprise to the forgotten boy in bed who blushes, pulls the covers up higher.

"aiden," he says softly, "and yeah, a cab would be great, thanks."

zayn crosses to him with a t-shirt and jeans and smiles miserably at him.

"i'm so sorry for all this, aid, i -" aiden shakes his head.

"s'not your fault," he sends a sharp glare liam's way and takes his clothing from zayn and pulls himself out of bed. when he's dressed, he cups zayn's face tenderly, pulls him close by the waist and kisses him softly. "you know where to find me now, yeah? i'll be back in chicago next week. we can go back to that club we liked with those dancers -" he trails off wistfully and zayn offers him a steadier smile, steeples their foreheads together for a moment before pulling away and nodding.

"thanks, mate," he says. harry does not fail to notice the way liam stiffens.

when he's gone, louis turns back to liam, anger back full force. niall's gotten off the phone with paul, harry guesses and now he cross the room to stand in between them, places a hand on liam's chest to soften the blow.

"now please tell me what the fuck is going on here," louis asks, and harry can see the shred of control louis fights for in the tension of his body. "harry? what's this about an arrangement?" harry buries his face in the palm of his hand.

"there is no arrangement lou," harry begs him to understand. "liam thinks we're sleeping together, but we're not. we're not together at all," he punctuates every last word, stares hard at liam. liam just stares back at him and for a moment no one says anything, and then from the side someone lets out a small cough.

"it's true, li," zayn speaks up timidly, "there's nothing going on between harry and i." harry shoots him a grateful smile. liam looks unconvinced but he just sighs.

"i just. i don't think he should be bringing back boys into our hotel," he says slowly.

"are you listening to yourself liam? so we lose a small following. i say good bloody riddance," louis growls. harry lays a gentle hand on louis' arm, tries to pull the tension from him.

"are you alright, zayn?" niall asks quietly. zayn nods.

"I'm so sorry guys. i thought i was being careful or i wouldn't have -. i would never do anything to put this band in jeopardy, liam, you have to believe me," zayn implores.

"liam does believe you, isn't that right liam?" harry interjects, voice borderline nasty. liam looks up at harry, and harry can read the instant when he understands what harry's getting it, and good, at least he's not slow. "in fact, liam's not angry about that at all. he's got a whole other reason to be upset about you bringing people into your bed, boys or girls." liam winces and niall slings an arm around his waist. "tell him, liam," harry commands. "go on. tell him why it is you've caused such a scene today."

"harry, please," liam pleads. harry ignores him.

"he's not angry at you for my sake, he's not worried about our reputation. are you, liam?"

"harry," liam breathes, "i can't. i - "

"why are you angry with me?" zayn interrupts, voice soft and hurt and liam turns to him and just like that harry's shut out of this conversation and about bloody time because watching them circle around each other has made him so dizzy.

"zayn, god. m'not - m'not angry with you, christ," liam takes a step closer to zayn and zayn leans forward.

"then what is it? you lost it with me just now and you practically kicked me out of your room after we - " zayn breaks off, blushing fiercely, and harry guesses he hadn't meant to let that slip. liam's eyes widen.

"what? no! you - i didn't - i mean," he glances nervously around the room at his audience but louis crosses his arms firmly, stays put, and harry thinks he's got the right idea. he wants to make sure they don't fuck it up this time. liam seems to realize their intentions because finally, he sighs, continues on in a shaky voice, "that night was. i've never felt that way before about anyone. and. i was embarrassed because you fancied someone else -"

niall mimics banging his head against the wall and louis groans.

"christ, liam," he mutters. he only manages to keep some of the affection out of his voice.

"what?" liam asks, eyes darting between the four of them, confusion tangible.

"you," harry yells frustratedly when no one speaks. "it was you he fancied."

they stare at each other for a moment, zayn and liam, liam and zayn. liam's mouth hangs open slightly and zayn's got tears in his eyes and they just stare at each other and for a long moment no one breathes.

and then zayn's face splits into a beautiful grin, eyes crinkling at the corners, a lone tear escaping.

"liam," zayn breathes out and it sounds like thank god for all the relief zayn's put into it, months and months of pain lifted with two syllables. he closes the distance between them and presses his lips to liam's and liam makes a choked noise and clutches at him, pulls him closer by his waist to melt into the kiss and god but they do look pretty together. louis whistles and niall catcalls but all harry can do is collapse into an armchair in relief. thank fuck.

they only separate when they're gasping for air and still their edges remain blurry where they're pressed together.

"reckon we should tell them to leave," liam murmurs into zayn, loud enough that the rest of them can hear. zayn smiles.

"i don't mind an audience," zayn pretends to consider it, "but right now. want you all to myself." and that is the cue for the rest of the room to let out a groan.

"oh god," niall shakes his head fondly. "harry, what have you done?"


zarry, ziam, zayn/liam, fic, 1d, my fic

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