I'm at my gurl kristen's*

Jun 22, 2005 12:06

hey hey
I'm at Kristen's waiting for her to get outta the shower so we can go do sumin*...If Tyler didn't have to go to the dentist then we'd b doing sumin wit him n Chris but he's gotta go to the dentist so it's juss gonne b us girls this afternonn...or until tonight*...Poor kristen can;t see her boy until tonight:(*...That sux:(..But it's alright*..Gosh i missed cheerleading monday because we lost kristens cell phone and we had to find it...And after i missed it we had to go to walmart and there we saw are boyz*..O my gah we were going sumwhere ...but i forgot where and this big 18 wheeler stopped going arounda curve so kristen went around and there were 2 more coming down the curve on our side of the road and it was really scarY*..a tip 4 the future if an 18 wheeler stops in front of you never go around it if you can't see*..lol..My fish that was 8 years old died and i cried and cried and my dad made me put it in the creek before i went to kristens and it was very sad and he got mad at me for makin a deal out of it*..well ima get off here and go talk to my girl but ill post later...yal comment

Dont have much tyme for shoutiez but...

Tyler...Hurry at the dentist so kristen can see you

Kristen.. i love ya and i hope u hurry back from the beach:)

Trae..cant wait too see you..

Alex//hopefully u can spend the night friday;)
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