Feb 17, 2003 17:44
is it so bad to have a crush?. i think not.
so friday i did nothing. saturday i went to nads. we went to coconut grove. went to the art fest for like 20 minutes... too hot and too crowded. saw nick and his g/f there. then we went back to johns work. then we all hopped into his dads car and went to his house. me john alex and nad went in his car and then drove to silhouette (sp??) studio's to get nads nipples pierced. i watched the whole thing. wow. it looked like it hurt so bad, and she said it did. ouch. anyways. she didnt chicken out after the first one so it was all good. then she was in much pain but we went to the alley anyways. i didnt get drunk. didnt even attempt too. shitty shitty show. shitty bands. xept fate, but fates set sucked because they were all very drunk xept john, and trashed the stage. ej quit(musical differences) so they dont have a singer anymore. but besides the actual show, i felt like shit because i had a massive headache. but then when we got into a conversation with caulette and dawn and i think her names.. beth. it was all good, kinda set my mind of my headache. the alley people are opening a record store (and comic books i think). alley records, next door. its gonna be anyways. then we left the alley, and it was fun cuz john and jose were racing (i was in johns car of course) and every time one of us would pass eachother we would all flick eachother off. fun times. anyways. then we went home. then last night. john and alex picked us up at nads and we went to the alley because there was gonna be some big show. it was supposed to start at 4:30. i know shows at the aley never start on time but usually fests and special big shows try to start at a reasonable time. anyhow. it was already like 7 and the show still hadnt started fate wasnt gonna play because they didnt have ej and there wasnt one complete band there yet so me alex nad and john left. we wanted to go see a movie at sunset. so we are driving back and decide to race this guy in this car that is obviously hooked up and faster then johns. (haha) but we race anyways. and of course the other guy wins. john had no chance. but it was ufn anyhow. and then we get to sunset meet up with george and dawn at the movies. all the movies are sold out until like 10 so we say fuck it. me and john were starving and i wa sraving wendy's so we went to wendy's to eat. ate sum good shit. then we walked around sunset just a bit to see justin and john wanted to visit hot topic to see his old coworkers. so then we went to barnes and nobles and read magazines. alex brought a magazine to my attenton called bizarre. its the wierdest/best magazine ever. its some u.k. shit. i was gonna buy it but because its an import it was fucking expensive. 7 bux! so i didnt by it. then we left to johns house so he could pick up clothes to sleep over alex 's house and then he dropped me and nad over at her house. so we get there and her moms home and we havent done anything wrong all weekend (xept smoke ciggarettes) and her mom goes let me smeel your breathe. since nad was caught drunk three weekends ago. so her mom goes. youve been smoking. and of course nad denies it and says that the club was full of smokers thats why we smell. but since nad had a cig. on the car ride home and i only had one at sunset my breathe didnt smeel anymore. and her mom asked to smeel my breathe and since my breateh didnt smell, "that proved nad was smoking" anyways it made no sense. and then nads mom goes youve been smoking AND DRINKING! and that was way out of line bvecause we really didnt drink. and then her mom goes look at your eyes. ( and we werent high)and then her mom goes.. this eyes all messed p but that one isnt! so if she was high both her eyes woud be red not just one. stupid!! anyways. so there is no way of taljking her mom out of whatever she thought . so she makes nad pee in a cup. but me and nad are like whatever because nad hasnt smoked in two weeks (enough for it to get out of your system) so anyways. later today nad calls me and says fuck, was it last weekend we smoked. and it was. not two weekends ago, but last weekend! so hopefully its gotten out of her system but i doubtit, but theres nothing we culd do now, she already peed in the cup.
fuck and john was playing this good band in the car but i forgot who it was.
and i have a labd due tomarrow and have no idea how to do it.