May 31, 2004 02:47
Well here goes yet another update. I'll start from friday, hadda be at practice at 9. Had set my alarm for 8 so I'd have enough time to get up and get a shower n' shit, but I had set the clock for 8PM instead of AM but luckily I woke up at 8:35. Rushed in shower, got that did, unwrinkled clothes, got dressed and took off. Practice was boring and gay as figured to be. When it was over I went to pickup rand and went to go pickup check. Me, rand, fatkid, cody and andrew went to go eat at buck-a-roos and just shot the shit, got me some rib tips. Ate, giggled, came home and played some cap, whooped rands ass like always. Went up in my backyard to smoke a b&m, played some more cap, made a poppy run then took him home and i hadda goto work. Worked sucked like always and afterwards I waited in the p-lot for sable to bring me my JMT-Violent by design cd, she fuckin went all over anderson just to find it which was much appreciative. Shot the shit w/ her and jenna in the p-lot for the every last bit of a hour or more. Went home, fed p-nut, washed up then went back to lobizzilz to meet up with fatkid and rand. Took off to steak n' shake to get headcracked and good food, came back to my house played cap and ate. Afterwards went to scott's and blazed in the car then took them both home, got on net and giggled then went to sleep. Slept in till 2 today, got up and put up my clothes, got in the shower and headed out to work. Was in a tired daze all day at work, picked up a bday card for dad and photocopied some upc codes for rebates then came home, threw on some shorts and shirt and took off to cousin's open house. Got to listen to the whole JMT cd on the way up there, its fuckin tight as hell. Blends the meta-physical/scientifical/mythical stuff with sheer battle style with tons of metas and similes just PERFECT, a pure fusion of The psycho-social...(their first cd) with The visions of gandhi (their newest). Got there and saw this kanye west lookin mufuccer with a mohawk, airbrushed shirt with jimi hendrix on it and jimi hendrix jean jacket with camo pants on. People just don't realize that there are clown assassins out there that put people on prozac for a living. Sat around, got ignored by family like always, got bored then finally got home, yapped on net for a bit then decided to chill with heim, she came over then went to go see Day after tommorow. It wasn't too great. Went back to my house, got some hoodies than walked around the block to smoke some pot. After that got back to my house and chilled for a bit then she went home and i got somethin to eat and got on net, giggled, then went to sleep. Wokeup this afternoon at 2, hadda be at work at 3. Work wasn't too bad j ust giggled with rand the whole time then went home. Ate some q'ued up chops, buttery rolls and kool-aid. Then went to go pickup rand from work. Went back to randcy's, brokedown a sack then blazed on front porch. I laughed really fucking hard and alot. Then came back home and here I am. Oh got a new computer on thursday, 2.7 AMD Athlon, 160 gig hd, 512 mb of ram, geforce4 vid card, cdrw, dvd player, mMMMmmMm. Graduating tuesday and glad to get it over, i'm sick of hearing fuckin kiddies moan, whine, and cry over it and I'll be glad the whole graduation itself will be over with so shit can settle once again and people can go about themselves. I need to finish up with this ivytech application and turn it in cus i'm not sure when deadline is. And I think thats about it so i'm out this bitch like a 6 week old fetus' mom taking some mifepristone to abort it. Outtie 5k