Jul 23, 2007 21:06
He's AWAKE. He's going to be FINE -- JUST AS I SAID. Wort and I got back to Mungo's just in time to see him surrounded by mediwizards. They were looking at his eyes and sticking wands in his ears and poking his skull and "Follow my finger" and "turn your head left, right" and "can you hear this?" He saw us and he SMILED and he's going to be FINE.
So I said, "Wonderful, let's get him out of here, get dressed, Moony, we're going home." But NO - they insist on keeping him one more night for OBSERVATION. What are they going to OBSERVE that they haven't already observed? We've been doing nothing but staring at him for DAYS. I may have got a bit shirty with the nursing sister and she GRABBED my EAR and TWISTED it and Moony LAUGHED.
HA! He's going to be FINE.
So then I said, all right then, one more night, what's one more night? And I started settling us in for the duration, and the sister started clucking no, no, go home, let him rest, which was ABSURD because he's been doing nothing BUT resting and she kept clucking but I didn't spend seven years running circles around Poppy Pomfrey just to let some old biddy tell me what to do! Actually, I think I said something about being DEAD AND ROTTING THREE TIMES OVER before I left --
and then Moony said, "Pads, you reek. Go home and take a bath. Come and get me tomorrow."
TOMORROW. At NOON. We'll come and get him and he's coming HOME WHERE HE BELONGS. TOMORROW.
And now Miss Mugwort and Snuffles will have a bath in Otek and Tati's Big Bathtub. With musical bubbles, because I've OBVIOUSLY become an UTTERLY SOGGY PUSHOVER.