Lol what a pose.
Also what's this, Hyo in the center? In a group composition such that besides the Tiffany color contrast my eyes move towards the center?(It's the white space framed by YoonHyo doing it combined with the height slant formed by FanySooYul) Although it's a close thing what with SeoSun's hair being so vibrant.
The composition of the other solo photos are also interesting in the way they reflect on each girl's image. Jessica is removed from and facing her men boobs!, Yoona steps out of a flat line of clones, and Yuri reenacts her grand moment of glory as the front of the Genie V. While Hyo... sits on her men in seduction pose. XD What is this supposed to say about her? XD
Not linking the covers because they weren't that flattering and made me think about plastic surgery, which isn't the point.
Huh. Fany's also seducing, but string her men along as opposed to Hyo just anjoying the luxury hers provide her with. Queen Taeyeon, lol. Manuveuring the system to wear she wants it with her silvertongue powahs, setting up the network for her future solo career. Sunny's playing shadow power, establishing her presence behind the men's backs.(Cutting out the middle man?) Seo's is a variation off of Yoona's, but where Yoona(and Yuri) fit in the angle of their men Seo faces a different direction. Hyomona's point about Yoonyul wearing black and white and so not contrasting as much from their men where Seo wears vivd color also makes for some interesting symbolic imagery. Sooyoung gets to be the lady in the red dress, and as such treats her men like objects, but in a middle between Hyofany's seduction approaches. And she only has limited appeal, since there's an entire line of men going DNW. :( Hmmm, I can't come up with an interpretation for only Tiffany and Seo's men not wearing sunglasses. EDIT: updated with the rest of the girls' solo pics.