Nov 06, 2010 16:48
With AG's Shipping weekly feature coming to an end soon and with no features lined up, I'd like to invite the comm members to write future features. You do not need to write a series. I'd be happy to line up one-shot posts--I'm simply looking to keep the feature-a-week thing ongoing.
I'd also be perfectly content if anyone has a series they'd like to propose. If you would like to do a series, you will be in charge of organizing it, meaning you determine the breakdown of topics, recruit other posters if you so choose, and set the posting order. (I will help and troubleshoot where and if I can.)
Feel free to appropriate (and cannibalize) any topic that has come up in the comm in more casual discussion that you'd like to look at more in-depth. (This is pretty much what I did for the member-a-week feature.) Don't be afraid to ask questions of the comm either, as that's usually what will set off discussion. I do ask that if you refer to, quote, or examine outside sources that you provide, credit, and link that source when possible. (We like sources here.)
For anyone interested, leave a comment here or PM me.
Should there be no interest, we'll probably be dropping the Weekly Feature for now, barring ~inspiration~.